A Sucker for a Sale | Talking Games Episode #173
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Justin & Sam sit down for a cozy fireside chat. We talk about the black Friday deals we just can’t stay away from and Justin’s new 4K TV! We give our Battlefront 2 impressions now that we’ve had a chance to put some good time into it. We address the beauty of Assassin’s Creed Origins, the horror of Wolfenstein 2, the joy of Worms Battlegrounds and the confusion of Persona 5. In a very special segment, we enact a dramatic reading of Kelsey’s reaction to Animal Crossing Mobile. And we round it out with a listener question on game prequels!
Bobby and Justin wrapped up another Extra Life Stream this weekend. We thank everyone who has donated and you can still contribute at http://bit.ly/2Af5Y7B
Special thanks to this week’s Extra Life donors: Adam Forgione, Lauren Kolligs, Aleandro Pagliarello, Melissa Miller, Andy Breeden, Sam Suvak, Huw Parry, Kelsey
Bobby Shortle
Huw Parry
Justin Townson
Kelsey Hlavaty
Matt Wood
Sam Suvak
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Justin – Worstninjaever
Huw- huwpaz
Kelsey- khlava13
Sam – Gizmoto_16
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Justin – Joroak
Steam –
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Justin – Joroak
Social Media and Contact Information
Email us at Games@talkingcomicbooks.com
Twitch – TalkingGames
Justin: @joroak
Bobby: @bobbyshortle
Kelsey: @Kelssamus
Huw: @H_paz
Matt: @Johnnymattwood
Sam @sksuvak
Please consider leaving us a review on iTunes, it is really helpful to us in reaching a wider audience, as well as boosting our already inflated egos. We would like to say a big thank you to those of you who already have. Also thank you to every person who has listened to our show, you are giving us a valid excuse to play and talk about video games, it is a passion we all share!
Until next time,
Bobby, Huw, Kelsey, Matt, Sam and Justin