ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Aquaman #30 Review

Aquaman #30 Review

Story by Dan Abnett

Art, Colour and Cover by Stjepan Sejic

Letters by Steve Wands

Aquaman #30 is Sejic’s second to last issue on Aquaman for the foreseeable future, and this issue illustrates just how much a loss his art will be to what has especially in this past arc been a stellar series.

This issue continues the ongoing saga of Aquaman, or Orin as he now is being called, aiding the overthrowing of the usurper Corin Rath who has claimed the throne of Atlantis for himself. Abnett continues to deliver stellar character work with some of the storylines converging such as Vulko meets up with the thought-deceased Aquaman, where some words are exchanged in the most entertaining way. Mera who has been given a slightly broken amulet, so she can get into Atlantis finds that it had some severe consequences as it seems that she can no longer breathe underwater, with an old villain capturing her; this all-in time for the announcement that for the first time ever she will be getting a solo series (six issue mini, but it counts). By the end of the issue, we find the revolution in full force with Aquaman spearheading the revolution, which is a far cry from his Batmanesque vigilantism at the start of this arc.

Sejic’s art is beautiful, there are probably more poetic or deep thoughts I could use to describe it, but at the end of the day, the biggest endorsement I can give is that it alone is worth the admission price of the comic.  As he captures fluid motion and some evocative and expressive faces that encapsulates the personality of the character.


Buy. This could have felt like Abnett dragging out a storyline, but the use of the multiple storylines gives characters breathing space to develop and grow; making Aquaman the comic equivalent of Game of Thrones. Chuck in Sejic’s stunning art, making this one of the best superhero comics coming out.  



Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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