Boom StudiosComicsReviews

The Unsound #1 Review

The Unsound #1 Review

Written by Cullen Bunn

Art by Jack T. Cole

Lettered by Jim Campbell

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

Ashli has started working at a psychiatric hospital and in this first issue, we see her first day, which involves a razor blade, three faceless suits taking people into mysterious areas and a talking CPR torso? Throughout the day Ashli has odd and strange encounters that leave her questioning what is going on in the hospital.

Bunn clearly knows how to write horror comics, but what he does so well in this issue is set up the world and tone of the comic. Bunn’s pacing is superb with a building sense of paranoia that seems to infect the comic and leaves you wanting to pick up the next issues to find out exactly what is happening to Ashli. Also, I need to see more of Xerxes and his creepy paper plate – don’t ask me how a paper plate can be creepy, but Bunn manages it.

Cole’s art is reminiscent of Cadwell’s art in Helena crash, as it has the same sense of sketchy simplicity, but with great emotive pencils. It is not my favourite style, but it fits the comic and the unease it brings to the story, especially with Cole’s different colouring when Ashli starts experiencing the strange occurrences.


Buy. Bunn has knocked this one out of the park, with a brilliant set up to a thriller/horror story that leaves you with plenty of questions to be answered.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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