Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Letters: Steve Wands
All-Star Batman #10 has been described as a father and son story but not the type of father and son story you expect. I find that to be an excellent description since it is a father and son story, but unlike Batman #22 that is dealing with an alternate reality Thomas Wayne, All-Star Batman #10 begins a story of Bruce and the man who actually raised him and thinks of him as his son, Alfred Pennyworth. Yet it is more then that as this arc, titled the First Ally, not only is a modern day story but will also delve into the complicated history of Alfred and the multiple identities/professions he’s had over time.
All-Star Batman #10 begins like so many other issues in the series, right in the middle of the action. In this case a car (the Batmobile) chasing a helicopter in Miami. The Helicopter contains Hush, who intends to use a heavy caliber machine gun to light up a crowded football game. Alfred is at the wheel of the Batmobile, insert old person driving jokes galore, as Batman is intent on being catapulted from the car to the helicopter as it is the only way to stop Hush who we find out has used Bruce’s identity once again for a grand crime. We’re juxtaposed with another chase, this time across the rooftops of London from a previous time as some Bobbies are chasing a masked hooligan who is hell bent on not being caught. Over the course of the issue both chases come to a conclusion. Batman’s chase propels us further into conflict, as he must use his Bruce Wayne identity to enter the layer of Pirates to obtain a stolen good that he does not want falling into the wrong hands. The London Chase ends with more questions of the past and where it leads is anyone’s guess. Both tales end with mystery and will no doubt converge over the course of the arc, which if it is anything like this issue, going to be a hell of a story.

Scott Snyder has cemented himself as a legendary Batman writer. From his work on the New 52 Batman with Greg Cappulo to his All-Star Batman run, where he has really been able to play with the character, as well as Batman’s immense Rogues Gallery, in multiple locales outside of Gotham and around the world. He’s also had the luxury of some of the industries top talents to join him, and All-Star Batman #10 is no different as Rafael Albuquerque comes aboard for the First Ally arc. Albuquerque draws an excellent Batman and his action sequences are incredible. Jordie Bellaire’s colors should not be overlooked as she somehow makes Miami looks as grimy as Gotham in the Night but gives it a Pastel and light feel during the day, which lends itself perfectly to the story being told. This creative team as a whole is in perfect synch and it shows.
Verdict: If you love action packed Batman tales with excellent writing, incredible art, and breathtaking colors then All-Star Batman #10 is a definite BUY!