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Talking Movies episode 132: The Fly (1986)

Our journey through the filmography of director David Cronenberg continues this week with a discussion of one of his signature works, the 1986 horror/sci-fi remake The Fly. With the always-entertaining Jeff Goldblum in the lead role and a host of legendarily gruesome practical special effects on display, this one was bound to elicit some strong opinions from three co-hosts who, somehow, had never seen the highly regarded film up until now.

Also on tap this week is the return of our On The Burner segment, in Brian, Chris, and Nick take a look ahead at Alien: Covenant and attempt to figure out just what, exactly, an Alien movie ought to look like in 2017. All that, plus: the obligatory Stephen King-related chat (and, boy, is there going to be even more of that, soon), Chris raves about a recent indie horror hit, and Nick falls in love all over again with MST3K.

Talking Movies 132: The Fly


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Nick can be found on Twitter at @CinematicNick.

Chris can be found on Twitter at @OllieTwist36.

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