
Blood Blister: The Lusts Of Your Father #1 Review

Written by Phil Hester (@philhester)

Penciling by Tony Harris (@tonyharrisart)

Inking by Eric Layton (@ericlayton1127)

Coloring by Guy Major (@guymajor)

Lettering by Dave Sharpe (@DaveLSharpe)

Blood Blister is the new horror comic, created by Phil Hester and Tony Harris,  following the life of scummy lawyer Brand Hull.

The opening scene has Hull attempting to have Mr. Travis, a farmer, sign along with a class action suit against the state of Oklahoma. Hull tries to persuade Mr. Travis, who is currently in hospice, by stating that it would ensure financial security for his family when he passes. 

The visual contrast between Hull and the family he’s visiting illustrate the difference between white collar and blue collar working class. Hull is in a navy blue suit while Mr. Travis is wearing overalls and a worn hat. His daughter Lexi, a premature-born who is now much older, lays in her bed wearing only bows in her hair and not much else. Later panels show food spilled over the bottom of her mouth and described as in a near state of catatonia.

Though the art and the writing have a general sweetness toward the Travis family. When their family history is being revealed, they aren’t shown in gratuitous imagery. Mr. Travis is silhouetted when he says, “Imagine she must be quite a sight if you ain’t used to it.” There is a shame to Mr. Travis’ words, but one that can be relatable to readers. It’s a hard life that he’s been given.

Then Lexi starts screaming out bible verses about the devil and lies while pointing at Hull. It’s a scary scene on its own, but the knowledge of Lexi’s catatonia only further makes the reader question about the helpfulness of
this Brand Hull.

Brand Hull is a man whose own ego and ambition drive his every decision. He doesn’t care about the people harmed by those companies he represents. Instead, he chooses to continue their suffering while climbing the corporate ladder. Hull even chooses his career over going to his son’s baseball game.

The madness that descends on Hull in the last few pages as he attempts to reconcile with his kid are horrific. There are giant, zombie-like babies and demons that surround him for all the damage he has committed being the person he is. It’s a truly terrifying ending that is the first chapter to what could a new incredible horror series.


Buy! It’s incredible well-written and a horror story that’s reminiscent of Stephen King novels like Thinner. If you’re a horror fan, this is a comic that you shouldn’t miss. It’s a supernatural thrill-ride and looks to expand on an already intriguing character and set-up.




I'm a journalism major at Rutgers University who loves reading comic books and writing fiction for fun.

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