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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 12/14/16

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 12/14/16

Hey, thanks for checking out Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week!

You’ve got to admit, New Comic Book Release Day is pretty much the best day of the week. It’s the day we’re introduced to new worlds, are able to witness the next chapter in a continuing saga, or fall in love with a character or creator for the first time. I could go on and on, but I think you’ve already gotten my point. That point being … comics are awesome. So awesome in fact that even the covers of them are often times incredible works of art. We’re here to show you some of our  favorite covers each week! So go ahead and take a few moments for yourself (haven’t you earned it?) and feast your eyes on some truly inspired comic book covers!


Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Descender #17

Written by Jeff Lemire

Art and Cover by Dustin Nguyen


Ha ha ha! Little dude looks like he’s going to surf that asteroid right into a planet. Ha ha ha … heh … heh … Oh. Oh my! RUNNNNNNN!

Moonshine #3

Written by Brian Azzarello

Art and Cover by Eduardo Risso


As you can see, our lovely lady of the swamp is wearing blood for this evening’s gala. Doesn’t she look deadly?

Doctor Strange Punisher Magic Bullets #1

Written by John Barber

Art by Andrea Broccardo – Jason Muhr

Cover Art by Michael Walsh


“Hocus pocus, motherf ….”

Hawkeye #1

Written by Kelly Thompson

Art by Leonardo Romero

Hip-Hop Variant Cover by Marco Rudy


Ladies and gentlemen, this is DJ Smoov, and I’m here to play you a fresh jam off of Kate Bishop’s latest LP, Straight Arrow.

Mosiac #3

Written by Geoffrey Thorne

Art by Khary Randolph

Incentive Variant Cover Art by Mike Del Mundo


Heh. For a moment there I thought this was the Black Friday Variant 😉

Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week


Writer: Ryan North
Artist/Cover: Erica Henderson


As always, Erica Henderson’s covers tell you of the story within, in this case, that this is a special issue featuring Nancy’s cat Mew! (Hoping to generate some inter-web buzzing, following is another cover featuring a feline!)


Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Brian Ching
Variant Cover: Bengal


Needless to say, of course Supergirl would save a trapped kitten, but as it’s “comics”, will that little orange tabby follow her example and grow up to be Streaky, the Super-Cat?

CHIMICHANGA #3 (Dark Horse)

Writer: Eric Powell
Artist/Cover: Stephanie Buscema


As the Bard of Avon wrote in his “Macbeth”:
“Double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble”


Writer: Shawna & Julie Benson
Artist: Roge Antonio
Cover: Yanick Paquette


This wonderful “story-so-far” cover by Yanick Paquette will most certainly provide me with a modicum of joy, as what I’ve read of the story within has me quite sad.


Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Jon Davis-Hunt
Cover; Jenny Frison


Jenny Frison’s creepy covers for this series never fail to bring a smile, albeit a nervous one! Speaking of Ms. Frison…


Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Nicola Scott
Variant Cover: Jenny Frison


Ms. Frison is a perfect choice for the variant covers on Wonder Woman!

BETTY BOOP #3 (Dynamite)

Writer: Roger Langridge
Artist: Gisele Lagace
Cover: Roger Langridge


“U-m-m-m…Betty, I think we’re going to need a bigger fly-swatter.”

HAWKEYE #1 (Marvel)

Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Leonardo Romero
Variant Cover: David Aja


Who better for a variant cover than David Aja, who along with Matt Fraction helped put Kate Bishop in the spotlight!

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week Soundtrack

Crystal Fairy, a new supergroup featuring the Melvins’ Buzz Osborne and Dale Crover, At the Drive-In’s Omar Rodríguez-López and Le Butcherettes’ Teri Gender Bender, have unleashed a gritty new head-banger, “Drugs On the Bus.”

That’s all, folks! Join us next week for another round of covers and an avalanche of incredible cover art!

This is a column featuring Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 12/14/16 as chosen by Steve Seigh and Bob Reyer of Talking Comics.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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