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The TALKING COMICS Pull List – October 5th, 2016


Every Wednesday, the Talking Comics collective will post a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. With the wide range of personal tastes on our staff here, you know there’s bound to be something worth sampling come New Comic Book Day!!!

Then, check back here on Sunday to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!!


This week’s contributors:

And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)

New Comic Book Day – October 5th, 2016



stl019385Shipwreck #1 – Warren Ellis & Gapstur

  • Being first introduced to Warren Ellis during his short Moon Knight run, now anytime I see his name on a comic, my interest is piqued. Aftershock comics has struck gold recently with Animosity and if Ellis delivers like he has in the past, we may be looking at yet another winner. – Miguel

Insexts #8 – Marguerite Bennett & Ariela Kristantina

  • The first arc was an incredible Croneberg-esque piece of sensuo-political body horror set in the Victorian Age, and I can hardly wait to see what travails Ms. Bennett & Ms. Kristantina have in store for our heroines this time!–Bob


Black #1 – Kwanza Osajyefo & Jamal Igle stl016642

  • Black began its life as a Kickstarter project that found an overwhelming amount of support, so it is now seeing light as a full-fledged comic. The premise is sure to ruffle a few feathers, and that’s the point. A world in which only black individuals have super powers? Consider me intrigued. –John D.


Big Trouble in Little China/Escape from New York #1 – Greg Pak & Daniel Bayliss

Giant Days #19 – John Allison & Max Sarin

Goldie Vance #6 – Hope Larson & Brittney Williams


stl020209Aquaman #8 – Dan Abnett & Scot Eaton

  • My first review for the site and the book I’ve most been looking forward to bi-weekly. While certainly Marvel-esque in its recent hero fighting hero plot and political tones, I’ve finally been excited to read an Aquaman book since Geoff Johns run. Also, let’s be honest, it was damn awesome seeing Aquaman & Mera take it to Supes. – Miguel

Batman #8 (NIGHT OF THE MONSTER MEN PART 4) – Tom King & Riley Rossmo

  • So far this Night of the Monster Men series has been…fine, but after the turn of events of the last chapter, I’m a bit more curious to see how the Bat-team handles this new threat. One thing’s for sure: Riley Rossmo is going to draw the hell out of it. –John D.

Cyborg #2 — John Semper Jr. & Paul Pelletier stl020228

  • I was extremely surprised at how good the last issue was, especially considering that it was almost devoid of action.  Victor’s tightrope act between man and machine makes him an extremely sympathetic character, and I enjoy rooting for him.  –Max

Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1 (of 3) – Sarah Vaughn & Lan Medina

Death of Hawkman #1 (of 6) – Marc Andreyko & Aaron Loprestri

Harley Quinn #5 — Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti

  • The Conner/Palmiotti creative team churns out laughs and stunning visuals with each issue.  This is a comic that I’m excited to read each and every week.  I know it’s bound to put a smile on my face.  –Max

stl020401He Man/Thundercats #1 – Rob David & Freddie Williams II

  • The nostalgia of my youth. Please be good. Please be good. Nathan

Midnighter and Apollo #1 – Steve Orlando & Fernando Blanco

  • I loved Orlando’s Midnighter solo series.When I heard it wasn’t coming back for rebirth, I was severely disappointed. It was brilliantly violent, but full of character. I hope Orlando can keep it up in this follow up series. – Lorna

Nightwing #6 (NIGHT OF THE MONSTER MEN PART 5) – Tim Seeley & Roge Antonia

  • It’s kind of hard to talk about the next chapter of Night of the Monster Men without reading the previous one, but as I said above, this event has picked up a bit of steam lately and I’m on board for the whole shebang. My only hope with this chapter is that Nightwing can get a bit more to do since this is supposed to be his book and all. –John D.

stl020364SHADE, The Changing Girl #1 – Cecil Castellucci & Marley Zarcone

  • I am always excited to read new #1’s – especially if they involve a new character thrown into a new situation. Shade brings exactly that! Loma is a changeling escaping her life and taking on the body of a human girl and now must face that life in (what else) high school! Excited to give this a chance (especially because Doom Patrol was great)! – Kelsey

Superman #8 — Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason

  • After concluding the Eradicator arc, the previous issue focused on the Super-family’s daily lives.  It’s a safe bet that an ominous new threat presents itself in this issue.  I’m looking forward to seeing how this all-star creative team handles Jon’s development as Superboy.  –Max


Army of Darkness/Xena: Forever and a Day #1 – Scott Lobdell & Elliot Fernandez

Betty Boop #1 – Roger Langdridge & Gisele Lagace

Intertwined #1 – Fabrice Sapolsky & Fred Pham Chuong


stl020901Cannibal #1 – Brian Buccellatto & Matias Bergara

  • I’ve enjoyed Brian Buccellatto’s DC work, so seeing him make the switch over to Image has me interested. It’s also, of course, a new #1 issue from Image Comics, so that alone is worth buying. –John D.
  • I’ve only read one other horror comic in Locke & Key, so I’m excited to jump further into the genre.  It’s an intriguing premise from a respected creative team, and that’s all readers can really ask for from a new story.  –Max

Green Valley #1 – Max Landis & Giuseppe Camuncoli

  • After Superman: American Alien, I was going to pick up whatever Landis did next in comics. The fact that it is a knight fantasy tale, is just a bonus. – Lorna

Moonshine #1 – Brian Azzarello & Eduardo Risso stl020889

  • A comic set in a time and place that are both often left out of the limelight?  Throw a mystical element and crime into the mix, and this series has the potential to claim a unique niche in comics — if it hits.  –Max

Paper Girls #10 – Brian K. Vaughn & Cliff Chiang

  • The second arc ends here! I am so ready to see how this one concludes. If you haven’t been picking up Paper Girls for the last two arcs WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? -Kelsey
  • One of the best things about this series have been the cliffhanger endings of each issue, and so an arc-ender as this one will be…well, what Kelsey said!!–Bob

Romulus #1 – Bryan Hill & Nelson Blake


stl019752All-New Wolverine #13 – Tom Taylor & Ig Guara

Deadpool: Back in Black #1 – Various

Death of X #1 – Jeff Lemire, Charles Soule, Aaron Kuder

  • Cyclops is my boy. I need to know. I need to know. Tell me baby girl, ’cause I need to know. – Joey

Doctor Strange #12 – Jason Aaron & Chris Bachalo

CAGE! #1 – Genndy Tartakovsky

Jessica Jones #1 – Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Gaydos stl019975

  • ::insert image of Joey on the floor paralyzed with excitement:: – Joey

Champions #1 – Mark Waid & Humberto Ramos

  • I have been anticipating this release since it’s announcement. It’s all my little babies in one glorious comic – not to mention that MARK WAID is writing it! Really hoping that this will be a fantastic read. – Kelsey
  • Two of my current favorite Marvel heroes, Miles Morales and Kamala Khan, in one book? Easiest #1 purchase in years. One must wonder though how much of an effect the Civil War II delay will have on this book as their group only exists due to events yet to unfold for readers. With that said, in Waid we trust. – Miguel


And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!


Joey Braccino took his BA in English and turned it into an Ed.M. in English Education. Currently, he brings comics back in a big way all day every day to the classroom. In addition to proselytizing the good word of comics to this nation’s under-aged…

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