The TALKING COMICS Review Round-Up
Every week, the Talking Comics collective posts a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. Check back here to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!! Click the links to go to full reviews and reflections!!!
Also, check out our weekly Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week column for more coverage of last week’s new books!
This week’s contributors:
- Jesse Bowden (@JesseBowden)
- Deanna Chapman (@deeechap)
- John Dubrawa (@thisjohnd)
- Max Mallet (@globetrottermax)
- Nathan Ryan (@Clown_Prince52)
- Vivek Kembaiyan (@just_Vivek)
- Hernan Guarderas (@hguarderas93)
- Lorna Maltman (
- Matthew Iung (@iceo1000)
And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)
New Comic Book Day – September 28th, 2016
- Buy. Whilst this issue for me doesn’t quite reach the heights of the previous two, it’s still a great issue. If you like a good cop show this issue fits the bill. The second volume is coming out next week, get it as this series deserves all the praise it gets.– Lorna.
[Editor’s Note: For Lorna’s full review, click here!!!]
Kim & Kim #3 – By Magdalene Visaggio & Eva Cabrera
- Buy. Kim & Kim is one of the break-out best new series this year so far. The kinetic energy and off-the-wall spaced-out sci-fi wackiness of this crazy little book is well worth the price of admission, and Visaggio and Cabrera just get better and better at what they do with each passing issue. Jump on now! – Joey
Backstagers #2 – By James Tynion IV & Rian Sygh
- Buy. I was so happy when this book was announced. I was so happy when the first issue lived up to my expectations. I’m even happier now that the joy and fantastic storytelling carries through to the second issue. Check it! – Joey
Tarzan On The Planet of the Apes #1 – By Tim Seeley and David Walker.
- Buy. Though the dialogue is a bit simple, it’s still an affecting story. Tarzan feels like he belongs in this crossover. The art is simply stunning, and makes the issue worth the price of admission by itself. –Max
[Editor’s Note: For Max’s full review, click here!!!]
Batgirl #3 — By Hope Larson and Rafael Albuquerque
- Check it out? This issue is an improvement on the last one. Whether or not it’s worth your time and money depends on a few factors. I’m a big Barbara Gordon fan, but the story feels a little too convenient when it comes to Barbara’s detective moments. I’m also not a fan of the art. Unfortunately, this means I’m cutting Batgirl from my pull list. But there’s definitely elements to enjoy, depending on your taste. –Max
- Wait and See – I agree with Max that this issue was much better. It’s hard to follow up on that Burnside run, but there are holes in this story and I am also not a fan of the art. I am not ready to cut this and will probably stay on for this arc and the first of the second arc. But this definitely might become a book that I collect in trade. Nathan
- Check it out. This book may not be for everyone, but I’m enjoying it enough to see it through the first arc at least. Barbara breaks new ground in the mysteries she’s been trying to solve as she continues her travels through East Asia in this issue. – Vivek
Batman Beyond REBIRTH By Dan Jurgens and Ryan Sook
- Wait and See. This was my first foray into Batman Beyond in any form and it was solid. Like man of the Rebirth titles it spent a lot of time catching you up on the story of Terry McGinnis. This was very helpful for me and it was interesting reading a Rebirth book from a first time reader point of view. All in all I thought this was an enjoyable book to look at and I enjoyed the story. I will give it another issue for sure. Nathan
- For me it is a pass. I enjoyed the book but not enough to pick it up every month. If Ryan Sook was staying onboard I may give it a few more issues but he is only doing the Rebirth issue and then turning it over to Bernard Chang. If you’re a long time fan of Terry McGinnis Batman Beyond will appeal to you & you should give it a read. I personally can live without reading it again. – John Burkle
[Editor’s Note: For John’s full review, click here!!!]
- Wait and see. I want to be loving this book. Whilst there are good moments, I found myself having to go back through the first issue to understand everything. Additionally it was, and I can’t believe I’m saying this for a comic with Ted Kord in it, too quipy at times. I am going to stick with it for a few more issues, but with so many good series this one is near the chopping block. -Lorna.
[Editor’s Note: For Lorna’s full review, click here!!!]
- Wait and See. I agree with Lorna’s feedback. I think I still enjoy it a tad more but it does feel like it is working to find its stride. I like that they are trying to make this one of the lighter and funnier books in the line, and if they can work it out it could be very good. Nathan
Deathstroke #3 — By Christopher Priest and Joe Bennett
- Check it out. A marked improvement from the last couple of issues. While Slade is a difficult character to fully like, I appreciate that he doesn’t mince his words and his actions. The cliffhanger here has me coming back for the next issue. –Max
Detective Comics #941 (MONSTER MEN PART 3) –
- Check it out. If you read the first two issues of the crossover, definitely check this one out. Steve Orlando keeps the writing consistent across all titles. The monsters make for a good story and this issue gives the second half of the crossover a new challenge. It’s a story that focuses on teamwork, and we all know Batman isn’t the best with that. – Deanna
[Editor’s Note: For Deanna’s full review, click here!!!]
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 5 — By Robert Vinditti and Ethan Van Scriver
- Buy. Ethan Van Scriver’s art continues to be among the very best in an ongoing series. The story also feels grounded, considering that it spans the expanse of space — allowing for organic character development. If you’ve enjoyed Green Lantern tales of years passed, you really should give the current run a chance. –Max
Suicide Squad #3 – By Rob Williams & Jim Lee
- Skip. I’ve been praising the turn-your-brain-off nature of this title since its relaunch but unfortunately this issue left me a bit too empty. Not only is the villain revealed at the end of last issue used sparingly, but the issue ends before anything significant even happens. The whole nature of this book cutting each issue in half is starting to feel like you’re not getting your $2.99 worth each month, and it’s about time for me to consider getting it later on in trade form. –John D.
- It’s Hard to say– Mostly because of the half story, half single character development format of this series so far. There’s not a lot of value here for those who are familiar with this motley crew. But if you’re a new reader, and you enjoy a heaping spoonful of absurdity with your chaos, then this is for you. It was always going to be hard for this issue to live up to the hype at the end of the previous one. –Max
- Wait for Trade – My complaint with this book from the jump was that I can’t stand getting 13 pages of story. The moment an issue gains momentum it’s over. I think this will read well as a trade when you have the opportunity to read it from start to finish. Nathan
- Check it out. I’m really enjoying this title, and this issue continues the fun action. I don’t mind that each one is split between the main story and a stand-alone look into one of the squad-member’s background. As someone who hasn’t read a ton of Suicide Squad before, I like learning more about what drives the team members. And the main story is different enough in tone from most of the other comics out right now to leave me looking forward to each one. Also, Jim Lee art. – Vivek
Teen Titans REBIRTH – By Ben Percy & Jonboy Meyers
- Check It Out. I doubt I’ll be putting Teen Titans on my pull list, but I would advise anyone with any interest in this title to at least check this one out and make a decision for yourself. Unfortunately for me the big “mystery” that carries through the entire book is ruined if you, I don’t know, look at the freaking cover and otherwise there isn’t much to this Rebirth issue as it is all setup. Ben Percy’s writing also feels a little too harsh for characters that are supposed to be teenagers. And why oh why are we still sexualizing Starfire? –John D.
- Check it Out. I found this issue to be a lot of fun, but am a sucker for “putting the team together” stories. I agree with John’s point about Starfire, and the entire time I wondered why she wasn’t on the Titans team. I think she would fit better there. She seems out of place almost on this team. Otherwise, I had a ton of fun. Nathan
- Check it out. I think this is one of the only Teen Titans comics I’ve ever read, so I appreciated that we get a short but meaningful peek into what motivates each of the characters in this one. –Vivek
- Check it out. As with everyone else here, I say check it out. The characters are interesting and we get a nice look at them before we see who will be leading the team. And with said leader, things seem like they will either go well or go horribly wrong. Either way, it should be interesting to see how it plays out. – Deanna
- Buy. This is a good book and is definitely worth a read even if you decided not to buy. The art is jaw dropping and the characters are written with unique voice that makes them fun to read. Even if its a set up issue what it sets up is bound to be one of the most interesting team dynamics of Rebirth. Issue one is scheduled for October 26th leaving all in anticipation until it arrives. – Matt Iung
[Editor’s Note: For Matt’s full review, click here!!!]
Titans #3 — By Dan Abnett and Brett Booth
- Buy. For the first time since the DC Rebirth issue, we have our first reference to the existence of Dr. Manhattan. If that’s not enough, Wally West continues to take center stage in another series with fantastic art. –Max
- Check It Out. I’ve been pretty high on this series since Rebirth but this is the first issue that left me feeling a little disappointed. While the nod to Watchmen was totally unexpected, the idea that freaking Abra Kadabra is responsible for sending Wally out of the DCU is a bit hard to swallow. –John D.
- Buy This book is a good time and enjoyable read. Not mention beautiful to look at. I agree with John that there are a couple of things that are hard to swallow, but I think with time we will see that sort itself out. Nathan
- Buy. This has been another solid Rebirth title for me. I’ve been enjoying the Wally West storyline and how the rest of the Titans are trying to understand more about what exactly is happening and why. – Deanna
Wonder Woman #7 – By Greg Rucka & Liam Sharp
- Buy. If you’ve been reading Wonder Woman (you should be), there’s no reason to miss this issue. The story is moving and the art is probably the very best among post-DC Rebirth series. With that said, it’s not as special as previous issues. Some of the dialogue is simply too on-the-nose regarding the issue’s message. –Max
- Buy. I agree with everything Max said. This isn’t the strongest issue of the run so far but to say six issues are amazing and one isn’t as amazing is still a fairly good average. It was inevitable that the showdown this arc was building toward wasn’t going to be as good as the characterization that lead up to it, but thankfully Liam Sharp’s art is so good you’ll forget that the later half of this book is just Diana fighting a Swamp-Thing-looking monster. –John D.
- Buy. This has easily been one of the strongest titles from Rebirth. While this issue isn’t the best of the ones out so far, it’s still solid. The issue felt like it went by way too fast when I read through it and it left me wanting a little more out of it. But that will just make me more excited to see what comes next. – Deanna
Deadly Class #22 – Rick Remender & Wesley Craig (New Story Arc)
- Buy This Book! If you’ve been reading Deadly Class then you need to stay with it. I know you may be emotionally spent from the last arc but you know you want more. If you are new then this is a great jumping on point. Come on, you know you want to read what all the anti-social kids are reading. – John Burkle
[Editor’s Note: For John’s full review, click here!!!]

Surgeon X #1 – By Sara Kenney & John Watkiss
- Check it out. This series might not be for everyone, but it has a meaty first issue with a bit of a twist at the end (which I didn’t mention because you’ll just have to read it yourself). Image has a knack for picking some great stories from new creators, and this one has some potential. Take a chance on it with the first issue and see if you find it entertaining. – Deanna
[Editor’s Note: For Deanna’s full review, click here!!!]
Deadpool #1 Annual — By Gerry Duggan &a Brian Posehn
- Check it out. There are some uniquely funny verbal jabs, even for Deadpool. Example: Deadpool calls Doc Oc, “Elton John on stilts.” I laughed out loud. The art for the majority of the issue seems purposely simplistic, but the humor and absurdity are the draws here. –Max
Captain America: Sam Wilson #13 – by Nick Spencer and Daniel Acuña
- Buy. If you’re looking for a superhero book that pulls no punches tackling some of the most important political issues of the day, this is what you want. Writer Nick Spencer and artist Daniel Acuña continue their excellent run as Sam literally fights to continue being Captain America. – Vivek
[Editor’s Note: For Vivek’s full review, click here!!!]
Captain America: Steve Rogers #5 – by Nick Spencer and Javier Pina
- Why? As in, why am I still reading this book??? The twists and turns have been so contradictory and convoluted and none of the characters are really even remotely recognizable. I’m confused by many things about this comic, not the least of which is why it’s still on my pull list…
Frostbite #1 (of 6) – By Joshua Williamson & Jason Shawn Alexander
- Buy! The entire team is synched up together providing an interesting dystopian world for a narrative that is bound drag you in. If you like anything dystopian, this is a book that you’ll eat up and wash down with vigor. Williamson and Alexander don’t seem to be pulling any punches with this mini-series and still only giving you just enough answers to keep coming back for more! – Hernan
[Editor’s Note: For Hernan’s full review, click here!!]
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!