Every Wednesday, the Talking Comics collective will post a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. With the wide range of personal tastes on our staff here, you know there’s bound to be something worth sampling come New Comic Book Day!!!
Then, check back here on Sunday to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!!
This week’s contributors:
- Max Mallet (@globetrottermax)
- Kelsey Hlavaty (@kelssamus)
- Lorna Maltman (
- Greg Brothers (@popculturegeek3)
And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)
New Comic Book Day – September 21st, 2016
Archie #12 – By Mark Waid & Veronica Fish
- At this point, Archie is simply an instant buy for me! I am invested in the story and the characters – not to mention the art! – Kelsey
Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Tales – By Cory Godbey
- Would you believe I saw Labyrinth for the first time ever just this summer??? Crazy, right! I loved it, obviously, and the thought of an anthology comic based on some of those bizarre creatures and characters just tickles my fancy and reminds me of the babe. – Joey
Aliens: Life & Death #1 – By Dan Abnett & Moritat
- After reading the description, I’m pretty excited about this. I haven’t read Abnett before, but I hear good things. Looking forward to reading a comic about one of the great heralded sci-fi franchises of the 20th century. –Max
Batman #7 (MONSTER MEN PART 1) – By Tom King & Riley Rossmo
- This is what all of Batman has been building up to; let’s hope it will be a crossover to remember, for the right reasons. – Lorna
- Hopefully this arc still keeps me invested in Tom King’s Batman… I am still on the fence about it. However, I’m still looking forward to what this story can bring for Batman. -Kelsey

Nightwing #5 (MONSTER MEN PART 2) – By Tim Seeley & Roge Antonia
- The choices that Dick has had to make so far in these series have been interesting and many could have a lasting effect on the character. I’m interested to see how this series falls into line with the rest of the Monster Men crossover -Greg
Cyborg #1 – By John Semper Jr. & Will Conrad
- I really enjoyed Cyborg: Rebirth so I’m looking for Semper Jr. and Conrad to expand on the stellar work from the previous issue. Cyborg is a character that I’m not overly familiar with, so I’ll keep an open mind. –Max
Harley Quinn #4 – By Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner

- I felt that issue #3 made up for it’s somewhat lackluster predecessor, and I’m looking for the Palmiotti/Conner team to keep the momentum going. If there’s a series out there that’s more fun than Harley Quinn, then I’m not aware of it. –Max
Raven #1 – By Marv Wolfman & Allison Borges
- In this arc, Raven takes a break from the Teen Titans to face her greatest challenge: high school. When I read that description I was instantly hooked! Raven is one of my favorite DC heroes, so I am already extremely invested in this comic. Really looking forward to seeing Wolfman and Borges take on Raven. -Kelsey

Superman #7 – By Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
- With the eradicator arc at an end, I think we can all expect an issue that focuses on the Super-family and strong character notes. The cover art is gorgeous and playful. Toto, we’re not in Metropolis anymore. –Max
Trinity #1 – By Francis Manapul
- The fact that I have had this cover as my phone background, for at least a month now, tells you how I feel about Manapul’s art. However his writing in some areas has been lacking. I have found the Justice League title to be lacking, so I hope this becomes a worthy replacement. – Lorna

- A series that focuses on Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman? I’m there. It’ll be interesting to see how Manapul balances the three. In the ongoing Superman series, our three heroes briefly meet at the Kent farm. It’ll be interesting to see if Trinity ties in to Superman or any other ongoing series. –Max
Seven to Eternity #1 – By Rick Remender & Jerome Opena
- With Remender I always have to check his books out. Then reading the solicitation made me feel like this is his sort of game of thrones, so I have to check this out. – Lorna
- To jump off of Lorna’s point, I’ve become a big Remender fan over the past year. From Deadly Class to Uncanny X-Force, his writing is always unique and engaging. Let’s do this! –Max
Wicked + Divine 1831 – By Kieron Gillen & Stephanie Hans
- YOU GUYS. – Joey
Civil War II #5 (of 8) – By Brian Michael Bendis & David Marquez
- Finally after a bit of a delay we have Civil War II back. Now that we have reached the point where the fight turns physical the question becomes what side comes out on top, and at what cost. I know some people are cross-overed out. I personally have enjoyed this series so far and will be interested to see where we end up –Greg
Britannia #1 (of 4 ) – By Peter Milligan & Juan Jose Ryp
- Since I was a little kid, I’ve been interested in mythology. Frankly, I think that was my bridge into comics. The reason I’m sharing this is because the description for this series is fascinating: a meshing of crime and mythology/mysticism. That’s plenty of intrigue to get me to give this series a chance. –Max
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!