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Batman Volume 9: Bloom Review

Written by: Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV
Art by: Greg Capullo, Danny Miki, Yanick Paquette, and Sean Murphy
Colors by: FCO Plascencia, Nathan Fairbairn, and Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by: Steve Wands

Review by: Deanna Chapman


Batman Volume 9: Bloom covers issues 46 through 50 and Detective Comics #27. The story arc resumes with Superheavy and Bloom still seems to be the indestructible villain. The Detective issue falls a bit outside of this realm, but is a fun little addition at the end. Since this trade includes issue 50, there’s quite a large variant gallery in the back. It even includes a surprising cover from the rock singer, Chris Daughtry (it’s also pretty darn good!).

DC Comics
Batman Volume 9: Bloom

Moving onto the story, Bloom plants seeds all over the city and nearly tears Jim to shreds on multiple occasions. In a revealing twist, we learn Bloom stole this whole thing from Darryl. He planned to do some good with it, but it turned out very different from what he intended. As you read each issue, there’s at least one point where you might think it’s over, but until that big issue 50, it’s not. Snyder and Capullo have done an insane job of building a Batman world that can suck you in and play with your emotions. It reflects in the writing and that pairs so well with the art, it’s hard to just not love this run if you’re in any way shape or form a fan of Bats.

Speaking of Bats, in issue 49, Bruce Wayne returns in a brutal way. He takes the helm again and it pays off with the defeat of Bloom in the next issue. It’s an excellent wrap up of Bruce comes back, not only as Batman, but as a person. He’s fully regained his memories, and forgot his alternative, non-Batman life he was living. There’s still one more trade left that will wrap up the full run of the Batman that started with the New 52, but this arc has a solid ending. Gotham will go on, as will Batman and Jim. It’s back to the city we know and the city we’ve grown to love.

Verdict: Buy. If you followed this along in trades as I have, or even if you read the single issues and like collecting in arcs, this one needs to be on your list to pick up. This run has been solid from start to (almost) finish. The next trade acts as an epilogue, so this is essentially the end of the road. If you haven’t read this run by now and you’re a Batman fan, you’ve missed out.

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