The TALKING COMICS Review Round-Up
Every week, the Talking Comics collective posts a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. Check back here to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!! Click the links to go to full reviews and reflections!!!
Also, check out our weekly Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week column for more coverage of last week’s new books!
Also also, our very own Bobby Shortle is keeping an updated weekly ranking of every new DC Rebirth book!!! Check it out!!!
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Sleigher: Heavy Metal Santa Claus #1 – By Rob Harrington & Axur Eneas
- Verdict: Uhhhh, maybe not. Well, that was about as weird as you’d expect. Sleigher is a strange mix of irreverence and holiday spirit. There’s a new Santa in town, and he’s a former heavy metal rocker–he’s read to bring that same hardcore spirit to all of the North Pole and to the yuletide! Most of the jokes in here fall flat, and the Hard M rating is a weird thing to see from Action Lab–the sort of house cartooning style doesn’t really match the edge of the book, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but here it really doesn’t work with the rock & roll feel of the character. Furthermore, the opening gag with a the Sleigher jumping in on a Catholic Cardinal and an altar boy really fails to get the book going on a good note. Skip. – Joey
Batgirl #1 – By Hope Larson & Rafael Albuquerque

- Buy It! I’m happy to say that the good outweighs the bad in this first issue from new writer Hope Larson, who writes Barbara every bit as well as Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, and Gail Simone before her. While the whole Barbara-meets-up-with-an-old-friend-who-is-actually-into-some-bad-stuff plot line has been done very very recently, the idea of Batgirl being trained in Singapore for the coming issues has me eager to check out more. Oh, and it should go without saying but Rafael Albequerque’s art is amazing. -John D
- Buy it–mostly. I’m slightly less enthusiastic than John, but I did enjoy that Hope Larson took pains to bring in aspects of Barbara’s characterizations put into place by the creators he named, which helped ease the transition to this new arc. I’m in, particularly that I’ve read an interview with Ms. Larson & Mr. Albuquerque where they mention that the series will return to Burnside and that supporting cast.–Bob

Detective Comics #937 – By James Tynion IV & Alvaro Martinez
- BUY IT! [said in Batman voice] While I’m still not 100% sold on the idea that Kate Kane’s father is the mega-bad of this first arc, this issue has a lot of great Batman moments as he attempts to escape capture by The Colony. The rest of the team takes a quasi-backseat in this one but Tynion still manages to work in plenty of character moments that makes everyone feel like an important part of the group (especially Orphan’s “all clear” thumbs up). And that last page has me so so glad this book is double shipped every month because I want the next one sooner rather than later. Alvaro Martinez, the third artist to tackle this book, does such a great job here that I say keep rotating in artists as long as the quality of this book stays as consistent as it has been. This is one of Rebirth’s true hightlights. -John D.
Flash #3 – By Joshua Williamson & Carmine Di Giandomenico
- Wait and See. This book still hasn’t sold me, you guys. Joshua Williamson’s characterization of Barry Allen continues to read clumsily (calling himself “a square” in his constant narration doesn’t help matters) and this new heroic speedster, August, has yet to feel like a worthy partner of The Flash. Don’t get me wrong, this Spider-Island-esque arc of Central City being inundated with speedsters is a cool concept, but the execution hasn’t compelled me to want to recommend this book very highly. As was the case for the last few issues, the last page of this one has me wanting the next one, but maybe just until this first arc runs its course. -John D.
Nightwing #1 – By Tim Seeley & Javi Fernandez
- Buy It! I don’t know that I necessarily need to see Nightwing get trained by someone, but the thought of him being a double agent while working for the Parliament of Owls (how cool is that name?!) is too good to pass up. The heavy backstory-driven narrative from the Rebirth issue is gone now and while it feels like Seeley is still somewhat writing a summary of his previous series, this is definitely the beginning of Dick’s new adventure and I’m on board. -John D.
Titans #1 – By Dan Abnett & Brett Booth
- BUY! Titans #1 is even better than the Rebirth issue that came before it, and looks to be one of the breakout hits of the entire line. Those readers disappointed in the team books that have been released thus far (Justice League, Birds of Prey) should make an effort to start picking up Titans every month. It’s the kind of fun and adventurous restart the DC Rebirth initiative is all about. -John D.
[Editor’s note: For more of John’s review, click here!!!]

Wonder Woman #3 – By Greg Rucka and Liam Sharp
- Buy It and Don’t Stop! How lucky are we to be getting this book twice a month, and from two fantastic artists no less? This issue is more about Cheetah than Diana’s quest for the truth and you know what? I’m totally okay with whatever direction Greg Rucka wants to pull this narrative moving forward because I want to see how Wonder Woman and Cheetah work together so badly. Buy this book. -John D.
Civil War II #4 – Brian Michael Bendis & David Marquez

- Verdict: I mean, if you’re in, you’re in, right? We start with a lot of that same unexpected, intriguing, affecting conversation and characterization throughout the first 3/4s of this issue. There are some really big twists and reveals in the first few pages in particular that are extremely effective involving She-Hulk, Ulysses, and the Avengers. I was so in. AND THEN, in the last few pages, things escalate sooooooooooo illogically and quickly that I thought I was reading another book. Without explanation or reason, teams are drawn and we’re ready to brawl. Like, how? The first 3 issues garnered a lot of good will from me, but the ending of issue #4 is a red flag. Hopefully we get some explanation in the next issue. – Joey
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!