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Snyder & Capullo’s Departure From Batman Confirmed

Batman writer Scott Snyder has taken to Twitter to confirm that the time we all feared is soon to arrive, he and Greg Capullo will leave the book after the release of issue #51.

In an interview with Comicvine (WARNING: interview has spoilers for Batman #49) Snyder said that Batman #51 “is really just a letter to the fans from us and a letter to Batman. It’s the lightest I’ve ever written. Not lightest as in happy, but light as in not as many panels per page. It’s really, really open. It’s a chance for Greg to draw the close before we take our break.” He went on to say that Batman #50 is “the most explosive, jam-packed sort of blockbuster crazed issue we’ve ever done.”

Greg Capullo’s cover for Batman #51

The team of Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo have been on Batman since the beginning of DC’s ‘New 52’ era back in september of 2011. Their penultimate issue sees the light of day on March 23rd in an oversized issue closing the ‘Superheavy’ arc. Issue #51, their last, will follow on April 13th after which the pair will go their separate ways for 6 months before an as yet unnamed series by the two begins.

Are you sad to see Snyder and Capullo leave Batman? Let us know in the comments!

I'm a 36 year old, video game playing, Springsteen loving, Star Wars obsessed dude from Cardiff, Wales.

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