Fan ArtFeaturedTelevision ColumnTV

X-Files Countdown, Day 7: Fan Art Spotlight

Happy Monday! To those of you who are in the US and aren’t working today, enjoy some X-Files fan art on your day off. For the rest of you, revel in the creativity and and X-Files love, and may it help your workday pass quickly.

Many independent artists rely heavily on social media to promote their work and make connections, so support online art by liking, faving, hearting, or whatever-ing posts from your favorite creators! So much talent online, just waiting to be discovered…spread the word!

X-Files Countdown Fan Art Picks, Day 7:



By @WillPheesh




By @cameronkieffer


Check out the past X-Files Countdown picks, including favorite episodes, characters, and more fan art!

The X-Files six-episode return premiers on January 24th on the Fox network.

And hey, contact me via Twitter at @NicoMysterriou if you have fan art you’d like it posted….or draw something right now!

I have three lovely but exhausting girls. I stay home with them and draw comics and such. Aside from being a momma, I'm an expert insomniac, lover of all things dark and creepy, and hopeful initiate into the Evil League of Evil.

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