
Marvel Announces Howard the Duck Comic

HOWARD-THE-DUCK-02Pretty much everyone saw Guardians of the Galaxy this summer. No one could’ve predicted just how amazing it would be and just how well it would do and it was awesome.

By now Marvel has trained moviegoers that they need to stay until the end of the credits and those who do tend to be well-rewarded for the extra time they put in on those satin-theater seats. It seems that most of the post-credit scenes are usually geared towards comic book fans and those “in the know” but it’s still fun to see what sort of things show up.


After Guardians of the Galaxy, we were treated to a post-credits scene that featured an anthropomorphic duck, you know, like yeah do. Some people immediately screeched “EEEEEE OMG!” while others screeched “I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY THOSE PEOPLE SCREECHING OMG!” and others shrugged their shoulders and screeched “HOW DREAMY WAS CHRIS PRATT?!”

Howard-The-Duck-cover-newThe point is that we knew something had to be coming down the line from Marvel and from that anthropomorphic duck. That thing has arrived… DUN DUN DUN!

Howard the Duck will be making its way to comic book pages early next year. You might not be particularly excited about that, but if that doesn’t get you all googly-eyed, maybe the fact that Sex Criminals artist and professional-ish funnyman, Chip Zdarsky and artist extraordinaire Joe Quinones are working on the book together will capture your interest.


Howard the Duck #1 by Chip Zdarsky and Joe Quinones goes on sale March 4, 2015. To read more about this and to hear what the team has to say about this exciting news, visit the link below for an exclusive EW interview.

Source: EW

Stephanie is [obviously] a comic book fan, but she also considers herself an avid gamer, movie watcher, lover of music, board games fan (although she doesn’t find nearly enough time for them…) and being snarky. Oh, and Twitter. Twitter’s a hobby, right?…

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