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Talking Games Episode #1: Titanfall + Dark Souls II = Love

Talking Games Episode #1: Titanfall + Dark Souls II = Love | Video Game Podcast

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Have you been playing Dark Souls II? What do you think of Titanfall? Is Marvel Heroes worth investing money in?


The first episode of Talking Games is here! Your hosts Steve Seigh, Bobby Shortle, Jacqui Turner, and Justin Townson break down how they got into gaming, what 90’s mascot they love the most, and what old games they want to see made new again.

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Annnnnnnnnnd… we say it on the show, but just in case you missed it, the Talking Games crew on Twitter are:

Bobby: @bobbyshortle
Steve: @dead_anchoress
Jacqui: @jacquiturner
Justin: @joroak


The Video Game Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics (www.talkingcomicbooks.com), a blog dedicated to covering the latest and greatest in comic book releases. The podcast is composed of Editor-in-Chief Bobby Shortle (Talking Comics, Man Cave Podcast), Jacqui Turner (Fanboy Remix) Steve Seigh (JoBlo.com Ink and Pixel, Talking Comics), Justin Townson and Rob Neumeyer who weekly dissect the games they’ve been playing and their shared love of gaming. Our Twitter handle is @Talking_Games and you can email us at podcast@talkingcomicbooks.com.

Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at http://vimeo.com/bobbyshortle and talking…

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