
Avengers #20 Review

Avengers 20
Avengers #20

Written by Jonathan Hickman

Art by Leinil Francis Yu

Inked by Gerry Alanguilan

Colors by David Curiel


I’m going to try and keep things short with this review, since issue #20 of Avengers continues with the same tone and art style that has been present with the previous two issues of the series. If you are not reading the main Infinity event series, then you should know that this issue both overlaps and continues with the story told in Infinity #3.

We are given a little more depth into the rescue of the captured Avengers that occurred in Infinity #3. In fact if you pick up both Captain Marvel and Avengers Assemble you will get your full share of this particular niche in the story, as each adds a tiny sliver of the various thoughts flying around the room. Unfortunately though, picking up both the ties and the main Avengers title will set you back a pretty penny (12 bucks), so if you aren’t reading the tie-in series for this week regularly, I would give them a pass.

For myself the most interesting aspect of the issue dealt with Ex Nihilo, Abyss, and the other Gardeners. Hickman continues to look into the conundrum Ex Nihilo faces with the other builders. They were made to be creators of life, but the builders are now using them to destroy worlds. This struggle with one’s instinct and what they are being told to become unfolds in a way I wasn’t expecting, but it might leave some people with more questions than before.

The Verdict

Of all the tie-ins to Infinity, Avengers is definitely one of the most relevant ,and should be picked up if you have the cash to spare. The events that are happening are just too big for one book.

Adam is the "Valiant Guy" for Talking Comics. He is the host of the Talking Valiant podcast. Adam also has immense knowledge of the old Star Wars expanded universe. He's a high school English teacher by day, and has a Master's degree…

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