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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 4/10/13

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 4/10/13

Hello and welcome to the revised edition of Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! It used to be that every week our Executive Editor Steve Seigh would showcase his favorite comic book covers of the week and then you could all go about your day. Well no more! From this point forward Steve won’t be the only one displaying the covers that caught his fancy. As of today, and for the foreseeable future, you’ll be viewing selections not only from Steve, but from other site staff and fans alike!

If you’d like to contribute to this column all you need to do is send Steve an email at, telling him the title of the issue with the cover that you dig, as well as a brief description of why you’re grooving on that particular cover. We’ll try to include as many selections as possible and hope that you enjoy seeing your choices displayed for all of the internet to see.

So without further or due let’s get this week’s selections highlighted!

Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Batman: Li’l Gotham #1

Story by Dustin Nguyen & Derek Fridolfs
Art by Dustin Nguyen
Letters by Saida Temofonte
Cover by Dustin Nguyen, Chris Burnham, & Nathan Fairbairn

“How can you not love this cover? For the first time since it’s digital release Li’L Gotham has hit the shelves of your local comic book store, and it could not be any cuter! More than any other cover this week, and there were some truly amazing covers as you’ll see in a moment, this is the one I had the most fun drooling over. I spent upward to 10 minutes just staring at this cover, counting the amount of characters I could identify and squee over. I love the anime, Chibi-like art style of Dustin Nguyen and his cleverness with a pen truly shines here.”Steve Seigh 

Uncanny X-Men #4

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Chris Bachalo
Cover by Chris Bachalo & Kris Anka

“Well, well, well, Uncanny X-Men #4 is clearly the winner here this week at Talking Comics. How gorgeous does Illyana look on this cover? For real, folks. This is the sort of cover that I’d love to have blown up at a local Staples, have framed, and hang it on my wall. Chris Buchalo seriously needs to go to NYCC this year, so I can pay his rent for a month in exchange for some of his artwork. I love it.”Steve Seigh

“Ummmm… Magik? Hell yes. LOVE this cover and Illyana looks totally badass.”Stephanie Cooke

“Since the series started, the covers for Uncanny X-Men have been fantastic. After the first issue showcased the team in its entirety, since then each of the covers have been showcasing a different member of the team in a very simple buy dynamic way. First it was Emma, then Magneto and now it’s Magik’s turn. The simple yellow background plays well to show off the immensity of Emma’s sword as well as all the details on the blade and handle itself. The stance is powerful without being provocative and the long strands of hair flowing away from her really make this image something that screams ‘This chick is badass.” It also doesn’t hurt that it’s Chris Bachalo and Tim Townsend, which is pretty much one of the best combinations ever.”Travis McCollum

“Uncanny X-Men’s Magik channels Cloud Strife in this gorgeous cover from series artist, Chris Bachalo!!! Cleavage window aside, Magik’s characterization since taking a prominent role in Uncanny X-Men has been fascinating, and it’s great that she finally gets a featured cover!!!”Joey Braccino

Fantastic Four #6

Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Mark Bagley & Mark Farmer
Colors by Paul Mounts
Cover by Mark Bagley & Karl Kerschl

“Do you like excitement? Do you like adventure? Would you leap headlong into the unknown? The Fantastic Four would. I really do cherish the simplicity of this cover. It reminds me that anything can and will happen in the pages of Matt Fraction’s Fantastic Four.”Steve Seigh

Hawkeye #9

Story by Matt Fraction
Art by David Aja
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Chris Eliopoulos
Cover by David Aja

“Hawkeye is wearing a shirt that says “I <3 Hawkeye.” Kate is clearly in love with herself and I think that’s alright. Also, it’s black, it’s white, it’s red, it’s amazing.”Steve Seigh

“I’m sure this will be one of many comments on this cover, but even as someone who has only haphazardly read an issue or two of this title; this stylish, clean, and chic cover drew me in to adding the issue to my buy list for the week.”Sean Lamont

“Duh. David Aja. End of reasons.” – Stephanie Cooke

Sex #2

Story by Joe Casey
Art by Piotr Kowalski

“What can I say, I like Sex … #2 … the cover, yeah. The blue, black, and yellow blend of colors really do make this cover pop for me. I’m also enjoying the strategically placed shadows across this woman’s sleek form. I’m not quite sure what to make of this series yet but I sure do love this cover.”Steve Seigh

Stephanie Cooke’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Saga #12

Story by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Fiona Staples

“You can NEVER go wrong with a cover by Fiona Staples. Never.”Stephanie Cooke

Batman #19

Story by Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV
Art by Greg Capullo, Danny Miki, & Alex Maleev
Colors by FCO Plascenica & Brad Anderson
Letters by Comicraft & Dezi Sienty
Cover by Greg Capullo & FCO Plascencia

“A cover full of intrigue! Why does Bats have a gun? I don’t know but I want to find out thanks to this cover.”Stephanie Cooke

Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Batgirl #19

Written by Gail Simone
Art by Daniel Sampere & Vicente Cifuentes
Cover by Eddy Barrows & Eber Ferreira

“The feeling of vertigo is actually palpable on this cover! The falling rain drops and crashing lighting bolts combine with the upward-looking view of the buildings to provide a dizzying city-scape…and who is that falling to their almost certain demise behind the gate-fold!”Bob Reyer

The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror

Story by Roger Langridge
Art by J. Bone
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Tom B. Long
Cover by Walter Simonson & Jordie Bellaire

“Walt Simonson’s style is nearly the polar opposite of Dave Stevens’, yet Uncle Walt’s depiction of Cliff Secord on this cover is a spot-on homage to a classic Rocketeer pose, and the “Simonson-esque” Betty on the lower half of the cover seems to be in dire straits at the hands of the villainous Otto Rune! Another marvelous piece from this amazing creator!”Bob Reyer

Tali Adina’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 

Constantine #2

Story by Ray Fawkes & Jeff Lemire
Art by Renato Guedes
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo
Letters by Carlos M. Mangual
Cover by Juan Jose Ryp & Brett Smith

“I love how gross and amazing this cover looks!”Tali Adina

Star Wars #4

Writer: Brian Wood
Artist: Carlos D’Anda
Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb
Cover Artist: Alex Ross

“It’s nice to see a father and daughter together, even if they’re on opposite sides!” Tali Adina

Joey Braccino’s Favorite Comic Book Cover of the Week

Sledge Hammer #44 #2

Writer: Mike Mignola & John Arcudi
Artist: Jason Latour
Colors: Dave Stewart
Cover Artist: Mike Mignola

“Sure, Mike Mignola delivers on a seemingly weekly basis with his Hellboy spin-off and core comics, but man can this guy design a cover or what? I mean, look at the layout on this cover. Admire the small bit of red in the sea of sepia. Weep at its complexity.”Joey Braccino

Talking Comics Fan Submission:

Luke Hunsaker’s Favorite Comic Book Cover of the Week 

Thor: God of Thunder #7

Story by Jason Aaron
Art by Esad Ribic
Cover by Esad Ribic & Gabriele Dell’otto

“For me it has to be the cover of Thor: God of Thunder #7. I love the painted almost water colored look to it.” – Luke Hunsaker

* Remember, if you would  like to participate in this column, send your cover selections (please, only one cover per week) to Be sure to have your selections in by midnight of the Monday that corresponds with that week’s releases. Also, please try to keep your selections to books that are being released that week ONLY. Thanks so much and we look forward to sharing your thoughts with all who stop by the Talking Comics website. Cheers! – Steve

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week Soundtrack

This list was compiled while listening to the album Shaking the Habitual by the band The Knife.


This list was compiled by Steve Seigh – Executive Editor of Talking Comics. You can hear Steve on the Talking Comics weekly podcast as well as find him on where he writes a featured, bi-weekly column called Ink & Pixel. His Twitter handle is @dead_anchoress.


Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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