Welcome to the Review Round-Up! We here at Talking Comics release a lot of reviews every week, but sometimes a review can go unnoticed or get buried beneath all the news and other features we have on a weekly basis. That’s why we decided to gather all of our week’s reviews into one post and put it out there for you to enjoy.
Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to check out this week’s Talking Comics podcast, which discusses all things comic related and more.
DC Comics:
Aquaman #16-
Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Paul Pelletier “
I truly stop and read over these issues again with each installment to make sure I am not being too positive; but Johns, Pelletier, and Reis have been providing a story that is the bee’s knees, all that and a bag of chips, and most importantly, just an overall great read. So while it may not be the same experience as the birth of a universe, it is most certainly a fun and entertaining opening bell for the integrated New 52.”-Sean
You can read the whole review here.
The Flash #16-
Written by Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato, Art by Francis Manapul
“If you aren’t a fan of The Flash, then pass up this book. It’s the middle of a weak story line right now, and there are better titles you can be reading right now. It’s a shame too. I love The Flash, and the first six issues or so were quite enjoyable. If you are only a fan of comic art, then you’ll enjoy almost every issue of The Flash.”–Adam
You can read the whole review here
I, Vampire #16-
Written by Joshua Hale Fialkov, Art by Scott Clark
“If you’ve been enjoying I, Vampire the fun continues in issue #16. Overly violent, sparkle-free vampires, ancient weapons, and the return of an awesome character all combine to bring a fun, boisterous story. Unfortunately, the art isn’t the best this series has seen, but with such an engaging and enjoyable story it can be overlooked.”–Adam
You can read the whole review
Marvel Comics:
Avengers #4-Written by Jonathan Hickman, Art by Adam Kubert
“If you have been enjoying this series and want to keep finding out what is happening, then buy this book. Hickman’s story is still getting started and it is going to be a long ride. I wouldn’t say this issue is a must buy, but it is an enjoyable read. If you are interested in Hyperion, then you might want to give it a look as well. If your wallet is tight, I might recommend waiting until the trade comes out. As often as each issue is getting released, you shouldn’t have to wait too long.”-Adam
You can read the whole review
Hawkeye #7-Written by Matt Fraction, Art by Steve Lieber & Jesse Hamm
“Buy it. Please. These stories may be fiction, but they capture a moment in time that we cannot forget. Not necessarily because the trauma that these characters endure matches our own, but rather because we cannot forget the neighbor who lent a hand, the shop owner who donated food, the family that lost everything. With Hawkeye #7, Matt Fraction tells the story of Hurricane Sandy, and, in doing so, he documents all of our stories at once.”-Joey
You can read the whole review
Superior Spider-Man #2- Written by Dan Slott, Art by Ryan Stegman
“Superior Spider-Man is a series that intrigues and confounds me at the same time. For all the poor characterization, dull action, and whining or stand-offish (depending on the Spider-Man) dialogue, there are a few things that keep me interested enough to come back for another issue. Whether it’s the last panel twist they’ve inserted into both issues so far, the bigger focus on tech, or the fact that they have made a conscious effort to switch from the status quo of Amazing Spider-Man, I’m still intrigued. So I give it a hesitant recommendation, but know they still have a ways to go.”-Travis
You can read the whole review
Dark Horse/Image/IDW/Valiant Comics:
Bedlam #3-
Written by Nick Spencer, Art by Riley Rossmo
“Nick Spencer and Image have another stellar creator-owned series to follow up on his successful Morning Glories. If you’re in the mood for some twisted procedural drama with a tinge of superheroics, check out Bedlam!”-JoeyYou can read the whole review
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #1-Written by Scott & David Tipton, Art by Simon Fraser
“Doctor Who fans will want to jump on this series. Old fans will love the focus on the history of the fandom, and new fans will get a chance to meet older incarnations of the Doctor. While the first issue is not a must-read, it is a promising start to a fun miniseries.”-Mara
You can read the whole review
Emily and the Strangers #1- Written by Mariah Huehner & Rob Reger, Art by Emily Ivie
“It’s zorking awesome. Emily the Strange is one alternative heroine that more people need to know about. And now that Emily’s putting a band together, you know the (mis)adventures are going to get even more zorking mad.”-Joey
You can read the whole review
Invincible #100- Written by Robert Kirkman, Art by Ryan Ottley, Cliff Rathburn & John Rauch
“Buy… and then go read issues 1 to 100 over the weekend to see how this amazing book got there. It’s a fun ride.”-Alexander
You can read the whole review
Mara #2-Written by Brian Wood, Art by Ming Doyle
“It’s a buy, especially if you can find the first issue. The second issue does a great job briefly recapping the events of the first, so new readers can safely pick up Mara and enjoy the story. Doyle’s artwork continues to distinctively set this book apart from other series out there. It’s always a breath of fresh air seeing female characters drawn to convey power and expression.”-Mara
You can read the whole review
X-O Manowar #9-Written by Robert Venditti, Art by Trevor Hairsine
“Issue #9 is an engaging read and Venditti continues to progress the story organically. If you have been following X-O Manowar then you should BUY this. There is a lot of depth and development in the culture and theology of the Vine. This is what everything has been building towards, and it is only going to get crazy, awesome, and totally fun over the rest of Planet Death. It’s a generic, cliché event name, and Valiant knows it. It tells you exactly what you need to know. There is going to be destruction and it’s going to be fun. This is Valiant’s flagship book. If you read any of their books, this should be it.”-Adam
You can read the whole review here.
Well that does it for this week’s edition of the Review Round-Up. Also be sure to check out Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week, which showcase some of the week’s best covers.
What were your favorite books of the week? Least favorite? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll see you next week!