
Captain America #3 Review

Captain_America_Vol_7_3Captain America #3

Written by Rick Remender

Pencils by John Romita Jr.

Inked by Klaus Janson

Colored by Dean White with Lee Loughridge

Review by Adam Shaw


Captain America is one of the greatest American heroes of all time. He has seen more than a few wars, fought aliens, been frozen in ice, led the Avengers against the Phoenix Force, and now he is stuck in Dimension Z! In the previous issue we found out that he has been stranded there with a young boy, Ian, for over a year. With a climatic ending we are left wondering as to the fate of those two.

Issue #3 of Captain America starts with a flashback to the Zola Ancestral Castle in 1929, before bringing us back to the present and Cap’s current predicament. I was grateful for the flashback to Zola and his genetic experiments. Honestly, I didn’t have any previous knowledge of Zola. All I knew was that he was experimenting on the good captain in issue #1 and then in issue #2 Captain America was captured by the Phrox.

Until Captain America is able to squirm loose and get his universal translator working, I had no idea that the Phrox and Zola were enemies. [It was mentioned in issue #2, but I overlooked it. It may still be confusing to new readers. -A] Remender hasn’t done the best of explaining what is going in Dimension Z. I’m guessing that it is how he wants to tell the story, and that is fine. Don’t show us all the cards. Surprises are great. I like surprises. The problem I have is that the cards are being played really close to the chest. Tell us a little bit more about Dimension Z and what is going on here. We are three issues in so far, and I really have no idea where this story is heading. Issue #3 ends with Captain America being in almost the same situation he was at the beginning of the issue; the Phrox think he is an agent of Zola.

Remender has also been sprinkling in flashbacks to Steve Rogers’s childhood. For me, these are some of the most enjoyable parts of the series so far. He stands up to bullies to protect his friends, because that is the way his mother raised him. You stand up for yourself and protect those that are less fortunate. Cap is one of those characters that inspires hope through perseverance; the same theme is threaded throughout the story of Capatain America and Ian in Dimenzion Z.

With regards to the art, I do not have much to say. I know a lot of people like Romita Jr.’s art, but I don’t particularly care for it in this book. Overall, I felt that it has been a little flat. Perhaps it is the darker tone of Dimenzion Z, but it just doesn’t seem to fit those scenes. On the opposite hand, though, I kind of like it in the lighter flash back scenes.

The Verdict

Middle of the Road.
While I enjoy the flashbacks, I’m going to have to say that this one is a pass. Captain America is one of those books that doesn’t invoke a particularly strong emotional response with me. It is for that reason that I can’t honestly recommend you go and buy it. It is by no means a horrible book. In a world with so many awesome comics right now, Captain America just fails to stand out. If you are a big fan or Remender and Romita Jr., then please by all means check it out.

Adam is the "Valiant Guy" for Talking Comics. He is the host of the Talking Valiant podcast. Adam also has immense knowledge of the old Star Wars expanded universe. He's a high school English teacher by day, and has a Master's degree…

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