
Fantastic Four #605.1 Review

If you think that it might be diffucult for a book on it's six hundred and fifth iteration to be the most original and exciting thing I've read this week, you would be right. Truth be told Fantastic Four #605.1 is not the most original and exciting thing I read this week, it's the most original and exciting thing I've read all month.

Fantastic Four #605.1

Written by Jonathan Hickman

Art by Mike Choi

Colors by Cris Peter

Review by Bobby Shortle

I began my journey with the first family of superheroes very late. In fact, I don’t think I’d ever read a solo FF book until I picked up Fantastic Four #600. The journey since then has been a wondrous, sometimes confusing, but always engrossing galactic sojourn of sorts. I was astounded and moved by the epic story concluded in issue #604 and touched even deeper by the small tale of friendship delivered in issue #605 and so, it’s an understatement to say that I expected a lot from this month’s installment. From what I had heard the story purported to retell the FF’s origin in a new way. I thought this an apt idea for a .1 issue and I also figured that I knew what to expect. After reading said comic, I think only one word truly describes my feelings about it. Wow.

If I wasn’t reviewing this book for a website and If I wasn’t an overly verbose windbag that’s really all I would say about Jonathan Hickman’s Fantastic Four #605.1.  But since I am a critic and I am prone to long rants, here goes.

If you think that it might be diffucult for a book on it’s six hundred and fifth iteration to be the most original and exciting thing I’ve read this week, you would be right. Truth be told Fantastic Four #605.1  is not the most original and exciting thing I read this week, it’s the most original and exciting thing I’ve read all month. A major part of the high I felt from reading Hickman’s book came from the sheer surprise of where and when the narrative is based.  I will not spoil that for you because it’s something that needs to be experienced. What I will tell you is that Mr. Hickman masterfully weaves a tale that bristles with creative energy because it plays against everything we know and expect from the Fantastic Four.

Mr. Hickman has been penning these characters for years and it’s clear that he knows their voices inside and out. It’s a testament to his abilities that even in the crazy situation presented here, that everything feels completely organic and true to the established universe. Mike Choi, best known for his Witchblade work, sets his signature precise line style loose on the Fantastic Four and it evokes a retro feeling that fits perfectly into the world that Hickman is writing.


Buy It, Buy It, Buy It – This is self assured, ballsy storytelling at its best. Jonathan Hickman has all ready solidified his place as one of the top writers at Marvel, but this might have just shot him right to the apex. If you are a Fantastic Four newb this will confuse you a bit, but try to see through that to the pure genius at work here. If you are a vet I’d be thrilled to know what you think, because to me this is classic level work. Add to that Mike Choi’s evocative art and you have a book not to be missed.

Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at and talking…

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