
Kickstarter Spotlight: Little Heart: A Comic Anthology for Marriage Equality

Welcome to the newest weekly addition to the Talking Comic Books website where I’ll spotlight a Kickstarter project I’d like to see get funded. For the first installment of this little experiment, I have chosen Little Heart: A Comic Anthology for Marriage Equality.

Welcome to the newest weekly addition to the Talking Comic Books website where I’ll spotlight a Kickstarter project I’d like to see get funded.  I will browse through the various projects listed on Kickstarter and hope that you will also support the project!  It may not always be comic related but I will try to keep it within the comic medium.

For the first installment of this little experiment, I have chosen Little Heart: A Comic Anthology for Marriage Equality.  The title grabbed me right away.  Marriage equality is something I care very deeply about.  I have a ton of friends who are in same sex relationships and even some family members, not to mention I am a 20-something bisexual girl myself.  I could go on and on about my stance on this subject but that’s not what this space is for.  See me after class if you wish to discuss this topic further.  No, what I’m here to tell you is why you should fund this project.

Little Heart is a 5″ x 6 ” 160+ page book that features color as well as black and white stories.  It will be produced in partnership with 2D Cloud & [MN]Love to help “fight the 2012 referendum that seeks to instill discrimination and hate in the Minnesota state constitution.”  Some of the artists included in this book are:  Noah Van Sciver, Sally Madden, Jeremy Sorese, Emily Carroll + Kate Craig, Sean Lynch, and Joseph Remnant along with many others.  The stories in this book span a variety of genres to show that love can happen anywhere and to anyone.

Visit the project’s page here to read more and also to check out the sweet incentives being offered for those that donate.

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