ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Review: Batwoman #5

Batwoman #5

Title: Hydrology Part 5: Evapotranspiration

Co-Writer & Art by J.H. Williams III

Co-Written by W. Haden Blackman

Colors by Dave Stewart

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

What can I tell you? I love Batwoman. As a reviewer it sometimes gets more and more difficult as a solid and entertaining series progresses to keep finding positive things to say about it. Though, in the case of Batwoman I’m finding myself not being able to say enough good things. I’ll be honest, at this rate, even if the story sucked, I would blind buy every last issue of this run so long as  J.H. Williams III is the contributing artist. If the cover of the comic (pictured above) isn’t enough to sell you on his truly haunting and surrealistic style than I don’t know what would. I’m sure that the digital representations of this comic are awesome, with crisp, clear colors on an HD screen there is no doubt that in my mind that it will be beautiful, but there is something so very satisfying about viewing these images on a tangible printed page. If you haven’t at the very least thumbed through an issue or two of Batwoman, then I urge you to do so right away.

When last we left Kate Kane some pretty awful events has taken place. Flamebird lay barely breathing inside a pool of her own blood and some very sinister people of influence are very close to discovery her true identity. This latest issue follows up those events, and rather than drag out the results into the next issue, we’re treated to a healthy amount of plot development this month. In my estimation Batwoman‘s plot only seems to be getting better. Without spoiling anything for you, Kate has been faced with an ultimatum by some very powerful people and she must now choose her side. Her decision, though, may lead to her making enemies of some of her most loyal and trusted friends.

Continuing the very serious, truly creepy, and haunting vibe of the story of the Weeping Woman, the mood and tone of Batwoman’s dark crusade to find the missing children of Gotham is as grave as ever. This series still remains one of my favorites of The DC New 52 and should have earned a top spot in my Top 10 Comics of 2011 list. I’m truly kicking myself now for not including it.


Do you even have to ask? Buy it!

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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