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Review: Batman #2

Batman #2

Written by Scott Snyder

Pencils by Greg Capullo

Inks by Jonathon Glapion

Batman, Batman, Batman! My eye holes are full of the caped crusader this week! Batman: Year One the film has dropped and it’s excellent and Batman Arkham City is currently in my XBOX 360 and it kicks ass.  Yet, for my money, Scott Snyder’s Batman #2 is the best depiction of the dark knight out this week.

I’m relatively new to the world of Mr. Snyder’s writing but I have begun to detect a pattern. He loves the framing device. Last month it was the “Gotham Is” article and this month its a history lesson on the original Wayne Tower. Both facilitate a way into the mind of Bruce Wayne/Batman without silly exposition or emotionally trite dialogue.  He wields this storytelling device like a katana.  Whether it be flashback, action beat or autopsy; there is no fat, no divergence and no waste of any kind in the text.

We all want to see the man in the mask  so it is incredibly difficult to tell stories about a super-hero’s alter ego. Yet, in Batman #2 Bruce Wayne is front and center and it’s a better book for it. I can’t wait for issue 3 but for now its time to turn on my XBOX and get my Batman fix from another source. But I shall be waiting with baited breath Scott Snyder!


Buy It – I love Batman and I’v never been more engaged with the character than I am right now. Batman #2 begins as a badass caped crusader book but finishes as an awesome Bruce Wayne book.

Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at and talking…

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