
Review: The Theater #1

The Theater #1

Title: The Change

Created & Written by Raven Gregory

Pencils by Martin Montiel and Novo Malgapo

Colors by Michael Garcia

Review by Steve Seigh

The Theater is a brand new comic book series published by the good and disturbed people of Zenescope. In this issue we find ourselves following a feisty “opposites attract” kind of couple, as they take their date night into an all but empty movie theater. What unfolds on screen before them is an emotional tale between father and son as they survive the aftermath of a global zombie epidemic. With only a single issue and some truly gritty art design I found myself completely invested in what was happening to these two characters. Perhaps we’ve seen these types of situations before in more popular books like The Walking Dead, but when done correctly, these scenarios make for some of the best comic reading around.

The Theater seems to be one of those series that perhaps each issue will be the viewing of a different film, a sort of comic-within-a-comic kind of thing. Though, judging by the final pages I wouldn’t be surprised if there is an overarching plot lurking somewhere within the theater itself. I really enjoyed the writing of this first book. It’s clear that Raven Gregory knows how to craft his characters quickly and  distinctly. Within the book I’d found that all of the characters had their own personalities and quirks, lending heavily to my caring about their fate. Michael Garcia’s colors really pop for both the film portion of the comic as well as the theater reality sequences. With pencils by Martin Montiel and Novo Malgapo this comic is just as detailed as many of Zenescope’s other books, a style that I particularly enjoy a great deal. I’m really excited for the next issue and can’t wait to see what else The Theater has planned for its patrons.


Considering this is a new series for Zenescope I’m confident in saying that you can go in with no clue at all as to what to expect.


Buy it – I’m a huge fan of Zenescope and this book is no exception. They present their art and stories in a very hardcore manor but somehow still remain a very playful company. The Theater has the potential to become something really cool and almost has a Tales From the Crypt kind of vibe to it, and to me that has potential written all over it.



Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on Joblo.com, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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