ComicsDC ComicsFeaturedReviews

Review: Justice League International #2


“The Signal Masters Part 2”

Written by Dan Jurgens

Pencils by Aaron Lopresti

Inks by Matt Ryan

Review by Brian Verderosa

Dan Jurgens certainly packs a lot into his second outing with Justice League International. There’s a great action setpiece at the front of the book — the lead is certainly not buried here — and he does some marvelous character development with Booster Gold towards the end. Lopresti’s art is very good, and his Batman has a blissfully cold stare that shakes me to the bone — and I know he’s ficticious.

What makes this book seem to work is that the characters are very much acting as if they were real people. The situation, which Batman summarizes well, is that Booster’s been handed this operation with no training and expeceted to succeed. Everyone sees it for what it is, a setup for failure, including the team itself. There’s no rah-rah team dynamic — why would there be? They’ve just been thrown together. Save for a few points of less-than-stellar dialogue (Vixen: “…and that looks like my native Africa!”), JLI #2 delivers what it sets up in the debut.



Buy it — Batman’s moments alone are worth the price of admission.



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