DC ComicsReviews

Review: Nightwing # 1

Written by Kyle Higgins
Art by Eddy Barrows

As big a fan of Batman as I am, I LOVE me some Dick Grayson (wink!) and his turn as Nightwing. He brings the snark of Spider-Man and the badassery of Batman while looking quite dapper in his post-Robin duds. Like many of the other New 52’s, this “reboot” feels more like a sequel and harkens to earlier Nightwing adventures (like when he was Batman for a minute and a half), but also does not rely on prior reading to pick the series up.

In an interesting move to highlight Dick’s backstory, Haly’s Circus is in town and gives credible reason for the former Boy Wonder to think back to his younger years. There’s also an introduction to who I can only imagine will be a series villain, but that’s lost in the shuffle of the much-more-interesting character work of Grayson and the beautiful panels of him flying through the air with the greatest of ease.

A knowledge of Robin/Nightwing is certainly helpful, but not necessary.

Buy It! – Nightwing is a solid book with great art, well-written character drama and an interesting plot.

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