Written by Scott Snyder
Pencils by Greg Capullo
Inks by Jonathan Glapion
Batman #1 is an intriguing Bruce Wayne story, an enthralling Batman tale and has surpassed Action Comics #1 as my favorite book in all of the DC New 52. Right off the bat (ha, ha, ha) you should know this is not an all-new Gotham City. In fact a lot of Batman’s (and to some extent Dick Grayson’s) previous exploits are hinted at here. Yet, wonderfully the story is not weighed down by continuity and in order to know if you will understand this story you only need to ask yourself two questions. Do you know who Batman is? Do you know why he is Batman? Awesome, you are good to go!

From an opening confrontation in Arkham Asylum to a reunion of past Bat-sidekicks, writer Scott Snyder plays wonderfully on our expectations of what Batman #1 should be. He also showcases the Dark Knight’s detective skills here by introducing a new and major murder mystery that I’m dying to see the resolution to. Not to be ignored is Grep Capullo’s dark but diverse art that is spot on for depicting the caped crusader. All and all this book is a must-buy for Batman fans, comic fans, and fans of good story in general.
Do you know who Batman is? Yes. Okay, read on.
Buy it.