Tag: The Colonized

The Colonized #3 Review

The Colonized #3 Review Writing: Chris Ryall Art: Drew Moss Review by Melissa Megan The aliens have landed and the dead are rising in Carbon Falls, a separatist community. The locals were just recently wrapped up in their…

The Colonized #2 Review

The Colonized #2 Review Writing: Chris Ryall Art: Drew Moss Review by Melissa Megan Carbon Falls Collective is a separatist community in rural Montana. The death of their leader recently left his son in a position to take…

The Colonized #1 Review

The Colonized #1 Review Writing: Chris Ryall Art: Drew Moss Review by Melissa Megan This is the beginning of a new four part series from Chris Ryall and Drew Moss, who worked on Zombies vs Robots together. This one is a very…