Tag: Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Low Road West #5

Phillip Kennedy Johnson, writer Flaviano, illustrator Miguel Muerto, colors Jim Campbell, letters Recap This is a story about a group of child-refugees, whose families all died due to an apocalyptic event. They…

Low Road West #1

Written by, Phillip Kennedy Johnson Illustrated by, Flaviano Colored by, Miguel Muerto Lettered by, Jim Campbell Reviewed by, Tom Zimm Recap The issue begins with a group of young people on a bus heading west on…

Warlords of Appalachia #2

Warlords of Appalachia #2 Review by Max Mallet Written by: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Illustrated by: Jonas Scharf Colored by: Doug Garbark Lettered by: Jim Campbell Publisher: Boom!  Studios "If the woods go quiet, run…