Comic book reader, video game player, and manga/anime fanatic, Nikki has been a geek since she first saw the X-Men animated series way back in the 90's. Loves DC characters, Marvel Comics, and mostly everything Image is putting out there now. You can…

Insexts #1 Review

Written/Created by Marguerite Bennett Art by Ariela Kristantina Colours by Bryan Valenza Letters by A Larger World Published by Aftershock Comics Set in an era with some of the most prudish and sexist societal values,…

Silk #1 Review

Written by Robbie Thompson Art by Stacey Lee Colours by Ian Herring Letters by VC’s Travis Lanham Published by Marvel Comics A couple of weeks ago, I recommended the Silk V. 0 trade paperback to a customer and he bought it…

Spider-Woman #1 Review

Written by Dennis Hopeless Art and Colours by Javier Rodriguez Inks by Alvaro Lopez Letters by VC’s Travis Lanham Published by Marvel Comics When Marvel announced that Spider-Woman was coming back after Secret Wars, I was…