Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Mike Perkins
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Jenny Frison
Anyone looking for another Superman book, or a call back to Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane should look elsewhere. Anyone in the mood for a gritty story mired in espionage and corruption with a healthy dose of commentary on the current American political situation then Lois Lane #1 is most definitely for you. Lois Lane #1 was an incredible first issue, not that I had any doubts with such a strong creative team of writer Greg Rucka and artist Mike Perkins, yet what these two accomplished is so much more than what I was expecting, and I couldn’t be more happy.
Lois Lane #1 is firmly set in the current DCU, with hints to Event Leviathan and nods to events from Bendis’ Action Comics, most notably the social media shared kiss between Superman and Lois Lane. That being said this comic feels like nothing else that DC is doing right now. Lois Lane #1 read like an updated version of Bob Woodward’s classic political investigative book All the Presidents Men. While there is a vigilante detective present, a perfectly chosen vigilante, there are no superheroes or super heroics. What there is an America struggling with immigration detention centers, an administration hounded by corruption and insider deals for private profit, as well as a lingering threat from Russia. With this corruption, foreign threats, and complete disregard for human decency there is only one institution willing to stand up and question these indecent acts, the Fourth Estate led by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Lois Lane. With a hint of a story, and an incredible inside source Lois is hot on the trail of the most dangerous story in the DC Universe and I am one who cannot wait to see where this twelve issue maxi-series takes us.
Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins blew me away with Lois Lane #1. Going into the book I knew it was going to be good. With the incredible writing of Rucka and the gritty pencils of Perkins how could it be bad. What I didn’t expect was a socio-political commentary with a definite nod, or rather middle finger, toward the most corrupt and immoral US administration in the history of our country (Yes, I’m including Nixon). If your go to news source is Fox News then this book is not for you, but for everyone else there are so many incredible DC universe beats in this comic but it is layered in political commentary that is needed now more than ever. Lois Lane #1 completely blew me away and just went to the top of my must read first pile. I cannot wait for more.
Verdict: Buy! If you passed on Lois Lane #1 do yourself a favor and find this comic and read it!