
She Could Fly #4

Written by, Christopher Cantwell

Art by, Martin Morazzo

Colors by, Miroslav Mrva

Letters by, Clem Robbins

Reviewed by, Tom Zimm


This story features Luna, a high school sophomore who battles anxiety and sees visions depicting extreme violence, and has an obsession with the woman who flies. Others shared her interest in this woman: the ATF,  Mr. Laudermilk (“Bill”) and his female friend Verna, the government, and a Chinese group. All are pursuing the lost accelerator, which they believe is the engineered part that gave the woman this capacity. Caught in between these competing parties is Luna’s family, significantly, her grandma who’s mystical capacities are hidden until the final issue.


In this issue, the final issue of a 4 part mini, Luna and her family are in their home, along with Bill’s friend, Verna, who has captured the accelerator. Luna has a vision of violence and the bloody death of several people. Mysteriously, her school counselor appears as she’s having the vision, and she has a cat’s head (just roll with it) and attacks Verna who fights her off. Later, the counselor and Luna talk about their unique experiences, Luna’s visions, and her fears of being a killer. The counselor normalizes Luna’s feelings and reassures her. However, before the conversation can conclude, the Chinese enter and threaten to kill everyone if they don’t give them the accelerator. A major gunfight ensues as the ATF enters and then government troops enter to clean up what’s left. There is a lot of graphic scenes of blood, gore, and death. In the end, Luna survives to be placed, with her counselor, and a psychiatric hospital – where we are left wondering if she ever left.


Luna has been the most interesting part of this series because of the way the author tackles mental and emotional health issues through her. She is kind, authentic, rattled because of her struggles but loyal to her family. The author also pulls in characters that represent the marginalized and forgotten portions of society, for example, Verna who’s a prostitute and Bill’s closest friend. Finally, the story is well-crafted and moves forward throughout. I highly recommend this series as a collected volume because of its informed treatment of mental health and the validation it brings to the idea that everyone is important and can play an important role in society. Overall = 9.5/10

I am a licensed clinical social worker and trauma therapist. Comic book heroes have been a passion of mine since I was a small child. However, making the weekly trip to the local comic book store to redeem my pull list has become a regular occurrence only…

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