Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Jason Fabok
Colors: Alex Sinclair
Letters: Josh Reed
Man of Steel #6 puts a cap on Brian Michael Bendis’ first extended foray into the DC Universe. Over the course of six issues Bendis has deftly restored Superman to a classic status quo without breaking any eggs in the process nor completely ignoring what has made Superman great ever since the Rebirth era of the DCU.

Man of Steel #6 concludes the two-part tale that Bendis has told over the course of the six-issue six-week series. One story deals with the violent confrontation between Superman and his ‘new’ nemesis Rogol Zaar who is still attempting to wipe out the threat of the Kryptonians by destroying the Earth. Their battle rages from the core of the Earth to outer space and is concluded in a very classic Superman comic’s style. Bendis has gone out of his way to make Rogol Zaar a true threat and in my opinion he’s succeeded. I’m not ready to place Zaar on the same level as Braniac or Lex Luthor but I am interested in seeing how this whole confrontation is going to play out in the Superman monthly since we know we haven’t seen the last of Rogol Zaar. The conclusion of the fight also establishes the new status quo for Supergirl and the upcoming creative team and tonal shift of her title. The second part of Man of Steel #6 wraps up the mystery of what happened to Lois and Jon. It’s not a secret that Lois and Jon are absent in the new Superman status quo but now we finally know why. It’s a clean story maneuver and it not only allows for several story options in the future but in the here and now frees Bendis to establish his own Superman supporting cast nor does he have to continue a leftover storyline from pre-Bendis Superman era.

I was already looking forward to the Bendis run on Superman and Action Comics and the Man of Steel mini-series has only made my anticipation grow. Bendis has a style that readers either love or hate but I count myself as a fan and think that he will do great things with Superman. I liked Jason Fabok’s art on the issue and did an admirable job wrapping up this series, especially since Ivan Reis, Ryan Sook, Kevin Maguire, Doc Shaner, and Adam Hughes are tough acts to follow but Fabok wrapped up the story in a great fashion. Superman #1 hits the stands next week and I am glad that it isn’t a long wait to get going with the Bendis era of Superman but before you pick up Superman #1 do yourself a favor and read Man of Steel, it was a great little mini-series and great ‘reboot’ of the Superman universe.