Writer: Jason Aaron
Pencils: Ed McGuinness
Inks: Mark Morales
Colors: David Curiel
Letters: VC’s Cory Petit

Marvel is once again in the relaunch game. After there big Legacy push a few months ago now they are relaunching a bunch of their titles, including Avengers #1, which was released on Wednesday. Granted there is a subtitled legacy numbering (#691 for you completest out there) but for all intent and purposes this is a new #1, a new starting point, and an enjoyable read with a lot of promise.
Jason Aaron finally arrives on Avengers. Teased last fall in Marvel Legacy #1 Aaron’s Avengers run finally begins here. Joined by Ed McGuinness Aaron wastes no time with drawing the readers as we once again return to the Avengers 1,000,000 BC, who first appeared in Marvel Legacy #1, and they are still dealing with a threat from the Celestials. The Avengers 1,000,000 BC is a fun idea that I hope to see more of, Hopefully by Essad Ribic as his pencils give them more gravitas. The story then time jumps to modern times and the big three (Cap, Thor, & Iron Man) meeting over a drink to discuss where they’ve been what the future entails and if that future includes the Avengers. While these three discuss their future Aaron does an excellent job of weaving in the rest of his team, telling the story like a chess board as he places all of his characters together so that when the real threat appears they are already in the thick of it and ready to Assemble. The team itself is an interesting mix but any fan of the MCU will understand the inclusion of some, like Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, and the Black Panther while She Hulk and Ghost Rider may play an important role going forward or Aaron may just like them, especially Ghost Rider after his fantastic run on that title years ago. The end of the book is a compelling cliffhanger and definitely made me want more, which is always a good sign of a fist issue.

Avengers #1 is a good first issue. As one of Marvel’stop writers I’m excited to see what Jason Aaron does at the helm of Marvel’s Mightiest team. To be honest I’m not a huge Ed McGuinness fan but his work didn’t distract from this story, I’m just not sure he is the best choice for Aaron’s story. But that being said the story is very compelling, it’s paced perfectly for a first issue and really does leave the reader wanting more and I personally can’t wait for the next issue.