Script and Art: Chris Eliopoulos
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Star Wars: Droids Unplugged #1 contains three different droid stories that were previously published in other Star Wars comics. “Probe Droid Problem” was in Star Wars: Darth Maul #1, “Droid Dilemma” was in Star Wars #25, and “SaBBotage” was in Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1. This is a one-shot for the droid stories and I had read all but one of them so far.

With that said, Chris Eliopoulos and Jordie Bellaire teamed up on these. They have a more cartoonish feel to them than the comics they accompanied and it works well. It gives a less serious tone to the comics and for the droids, that’s perfect. Each droid we’ve seen either in the comics, TV shows, or movies has always had its own quirky personality. In these three stories, we get to see it to the max.
“SaBBotage” was the only one I hadn’t read yet simply because I’ve yet to dive into Poe Dameron on Marvel Unlimited. In this one, BB-8 plays matchmaker and it’s a fun little story. In “Droid Dilemma,” R2-D2 is running around to prepare for a mission that is later cancelled. “Probe Droid Problem” doesn’t have any of the more popular droids in it, but it’s a nice little story between a labor droid and a DRK-1 probe droid.
If you’ve read the issues that these stories were in, you don’t really need to read this. It’s nice to have it collected into one issue, though, for those who just may really like the droids (which I do). This one-shot really feels like it’s meant to just be a fun little break from the comics, which take on more serious matters. The art and colors are done well and it’s just a good thing all around.
Verdict: Check it out. If you haven’t read the issues these stories were originally printed in, give this a read. It’s a fun time and who doesn’t like seeing Jordie Bellaire on colors?