
Helena Crash #1 Review

Helena Crash #1 Review

Written by Fabian Rangel Jr.

Art by Warwick Johnson Cadwell

Letters by Ironback

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

My town is relatively small and has one high street, yet that one street has a minimum of ten coffee shops, and two of them are the same chain. So, what society in general or my town would do if coffee was illegal is anybody’s guess. Helena is a courier of coffee in a future where coffee has become illegal, which of course means that there is a black market for it.

In this first issue Rangel Jr sets up a future world filled with mutants and aliens, with the world feeling unique and interesting enough to differentiate it, but also keep you intrigued. The title protagonist Helena has the tough, strong character that you would expect is needed when these couriers are getting into Mad Max vehicle battles. The main plot is that, on one of her runs, the customer asks her to do another, more deadly job and, whilst admirably Helena refuses, you know that this is not the last time these two interact.

The real standout of this issue though is Cadwell’s art – sketchy but with great colour and style which really creates this odd and quirky future life. The art provides some brilliant moments such as when she punches a person with a puffer fish head, he puffs up.


Give it a shot. This first issue sets up an interesting world and story, with some great action. The art though is what makes this issue something you should check out.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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