The TALKING COMICS Review Round-Up
Every week, the Talking Comics collective posts a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. Check back here to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!! Click the links to go to full reviews and reflections!!!
Also, check out our weekly Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week column for more coverage of last week’s new books!
This week’s contributors:
- Jesse Bowden (@JesseBowden)
- Huw Parry (@h_paz)
- Deanna Chapman (@deeechap)
- John Dubrawa (@thisjohnd)
- Bob Reyer (
- Steve Seigh (@dead_anchoress)
- Max Mallet (@globetrottermax)
- Nathan Ryan (@Clown_Prince52)
- Kelsey Hlavaty (@kelssamus)
- Vivek Kembaiyan (@just_Vivek)
- Hernan Guarderas (@hguarderas93)
- Lorna Maltman (
- Nate Mondschein (@33andMoonshine)
- Greg Brothers (@popculturegeek3)
- Matthew Iung (@iceo1000)
- Miguel Canales-Holler (@Beefsandwich28)
And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)
New Comic Book Day – November 9th, 2016
Mega Princess #1 – Kelly Thompson & Brianne Drouhard
- Buy! This is a fun book that had me laughing out loud on multiple occasions. Mega Princess can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. It is rated 12+ on Comixology but many parents will probably determine this can be enjoyed by children much younger as well. It is $3.99 which is a little higher than I would like to pay, but it is worth it. Nathan (Read the full review here)
Namesake #1 – Steve Orlando & Jakub Rebulka
- Give it a shot. There is some good world building here and an intriguing premise and art is a great fit, but does not hit me with a need to return for the next issue. -Lorna.
[Editor’s Note: For Lorna’s full review, click here!!!]
WWE: Then, Now, Forever #1 – Dennis Hopeless, Ross Thibodeaux, Rob Schamberger, Derek Fridolfs & Daniel Bayliss, Rob Guillory, Rob Schamberger, Derek Fridolfs
- Check It Out. WWE: Then. Now. Forever. #1 takes a storyline from the world of professional wrestling and somehow manages to make it even more silly and dramatic. Current wrestling fans that recognize names like Seth Rollins or Dean Ambrose will get the absolute most out of this title, but that leaves casual and non-wrestling fans without a lot of recognizable personalities to latch onto. -John D.
All-Star Batman #4 – Scott Snyder & John Romita, Jr.
- Check it out. I think this comic is worth a little bit of your time. If you haven’t read all of the issues yet, I suggest reading up through this one at least. It may pull you in or it may not, but Snyder has proven himself to be a great Batman writer and he deserves a chance to wow us with even more stories. – Deanna
[Editor’s Note: For Deanna’s full review, click here!!!]
Clean Room #13 – Gail Simone & Walter Geovani
- BUY! This story begins a new chapter in the life of Astrid Mueller and her Honest World Foundation, and it starts with some big surprises…none of which I’ll spoil here! If you’ve been following this dark and wonderful book, I know you’re probably feeling that nothing can shock you…but just wait and see!–Bob
Deathstroke #6 – By Christopher Priest & Carlo Pagulayan
- It’s complicated. The comic is literally complicated. Priest’s writing is smart, and the storyline is nonlinear and intricate. I’m not going to lie, I find it a little hard to follow at times. I’m going to cease collecting Deathstroke on a biweekly basis, and instead wait for the trades. I think it’ll read smoother in that format. The art is some of the best that DC is putting out right now. – Max
Detective Comics #944 – James Tynion IV & Eddy Barrows
- Buy. This is right there with Wonder Woman as the best DC book out there right now. The second arc focuses on the Victim Syndicate in what is looking like is going to be another intriguing arc. We also get some Harper Row and Luke Fox as Batwing. Tynion is continuing to be a master of the Bat Family that doesn’t have another comic home. Nathan
- Buy. Detective Comics is still the cream of the crop when it comes to DC Rebirth titles, and the addition of Luke Fox to the cast adds that much-needed humor that is lacking now that Robin is no longer in the picture. I’m still not digging the new villains the Crime Syndicate just yet, but the team has always outshined everything else on this book and that’s even more apparent in this issue. -John D.
- Buy. Detective Comics continues to be one of the top books for me. While the team dynamic isn’t great, it’s still an entertaining one to see unfold. I look forward to more of it. – Deanna
The Flash #10 – Joshua Williamson and Felipe Watanabe & Kirk Albert
- Check it out. This arc looks like it might grab my attention a bit more than the first one with Godspeed did. – Deanna
- Not a great issue but stay with this book. Although the Flash has been a highlight of the Rebirth books in my personal opinion this issue was bland and boring. Even the promised guest star from the cover seems to be a case of bait and switch to get the Starman audience but the Shade is hardly in the book and it is not the Shade we know and love. But this book has been highly entertaining and doesn’t deserve to have everyone bail on it over one less then stellar issue. – John B
[Editor’s Note: For more of John’s review, click here!!!]
Mother Panic #1 – Jody Houser & Tommy Lee Edwards
- Check it out. I have so many questions after reading this introduction to an intriguing new character. I don’t think this first issue was strong enough for me to add it to my pull list, but you should decide for yourself. – Vivek
- Check it out. As Vivek said, the first issue isn’t strong enough to instantly add it to my pull, but it does have me intrigued. I’ll give it a few issues though as I love the Young Animal line up. – Miguel
- BUY! It’s a great origin that has a ton of questions that deserve to be answered. The mythology is rich with Gotham City and Batman mythos, but it lies on the fringes of those books. It’s created its own mythology that makes a reader want to dive deeper while platforming its own voice and vision. The book has the grit of a Batman book without needing to worry about gratifying any particular audience which is what the DC’s Young Animal imprint is doing. It’s violent, relentless, and audacious like the titular character herself and a reader couldn’t ask for more. – Hernan
[Editor’s Note: For Hernan’s full review, click here!!!]

Wonder Woman #10 – Greg Rucka & Nicola Scott
- Ummm…(who am I kidding?) BUY!!! This issue might be my favorite in this new run so far, as we’re treated to some amazing and heart-warming moments, and with Ms. Scott’s exit on the horizon, you need to savor each and every panel she draws!–Bob
- Buy! Ummmm… what Bob said? -John D.
- Buy! Yup, what Bob said. – Nathan
- Buy! Bob is exactly on the money. I just have one thing to add. This is probably the best new series to introduce to new comics fans. It’s accessible, true to Diana’s origin and wildly entertaining. – Max
- Buy. If you made it this far in the review, this will come as no surprise to it. This issue is enjoyable and well-done all around. Rucka and Scott are one of my favorite creative teams right now. We could all use a little more Wonder Woman in our lives to be sure to go check this out. It is well worth your time.
[Editor’s Note: For Deanna’ full review, click here!!]
Batman/TMNT Adventures #1 – Matthew K. Manning & Jon Sommariva
- BUY!!!! If you have even the slightest love for the Batman Animated Series or our lovable teenage turtles, this is the series for you! – Miguel
Violent Love #1 – Frank J. Barbiere & Victor Santos
- Violent Love is really a Violent Like at best. You can possibly fall in like with this book but you’ll never fall in love with it. It’s a familiar story with a flat, predictable script and hackneyed characters. The art raises the book past mediocrity and all merits and compliments lie with the stunning visuals of the characters and set-pieces that inject all the personality and drama into the story that the script should have done. Honestly, the best pages are the ones with little to no dialogue and the book would be much better if the next issue only featured the art. The trade will come out in a few months and you’ll most likely be able to get it for under $10. That’s an ok price for the art alone, but there’s no reason to follow this book month-to-month. [Click here for more!!!]
Invincible Iron Man #1 NOW – Brian Michael Bendis & Stefano Caselli
- BUY! I think this series is well-situated to be something special. Riri is poised to be a major player in the Marvel universe and a major step forward with regards to representation. I encourage everyone to support this comic. – Max
[Editor’s Note: For Max’s full review, click here!!!]
Power Man & Iron Fist #10 – David F. Walker & Sanford Greene
- BUY! It’s a “back-to-basics” story, and although it does feature the HfH team dealing with the aftermath of the Civil War in a way that makes a nice statement, this issue centers on a coming turf war for control of NYC’s uptown underworld, with Felicia Hardy a.k.a. The Black Cat looking to sink her claws into the mix!–Bob
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!