Every Wednesday, the Talking Comics collective will post a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. With the wide range of personal tastes on our staff here, you know there’s bound to be something worth sampling come New Comic Book Day!!!
Then, check back here on Sunday to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!!
This week’s contributors:
- John Dubrawa (@thisjohnd)
- Bob Reyer (
- Max Mallet (@globetrottermax)
- Vivek Kembaiyan (@just_Vivek)
- Lorna Maltman (
- Greg Brothers (@popculturegeek3)
And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)
New Comic Book Day – October 12th, 2016
Weavers #6 (of 6) – Si Spurrier & Dylan Burnett
Warlords of Appalachia #1 – Phillip Kennedy Johnson & Jonas Scharf
- Dystopian future shortly after a second American Civil War and Kentucky refuses to rejoin the nation. Based on some of the craziness of this election this might be closer to reality then some people think. I’m In! -Greg B.
Chimichanga: Sorrow of the World’s Worst Face #1 – Eric Powell & Stephanie Buscema
Briggs Land #3 – Brian Wood & Mack Chater
- I’ve really enjoyed this series so far. Great socio-political commentary and restrained color brings a dim world to life, and I can’t wait to see what Wood and Chater have in store this week. -Max
Deathstroke #4 – Christopher Priest & Joe Bennett
- This series has so far had hits and misses for me, but the previous issue was a hit. With Slade Wilson off to Gotham City, I’m looking forward to the inevitable showdown against the Batman. -Max
Detective Comics #942 (NIGHT OF THE MONSTER MEN – FINALE) – James Tynion IV & Steve Orlando and Andy Macdonald
- Night of the Monster Men has been a rather slow affair, focusing mainly on Batman and Co. fighting various monsters rather than getting to the point of it all, but now that the end is here and Hugo Strange’s plan has come into the light, I’m looking forward to seeing how it all resolves. Not to mention I’m looking forward to Detective Comics’ next arc so the sooner we can get there the better. –John D.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #6 – Robert Venditti & Rafael Sandoval
- With some of the best art of any running DC series and a weight-of-the-universe storyline, I’ve been a big fan of this run so far. A little frustrated that it has taken Hal Jordan and Sinestro so long to face off, but the slow burn has had great character moments and peripheral action. -Max

Lost Boys #1 – By Tim Seeley & Scott Godlewski
Wonder Woman #8 – Greg Rucka & Bilquis Evely
- There’s a Wonder Woman issue this week–what a surprise! Seriously, what isn’t shocking at this point is the amazingly high quality of each issue, so I’m much looking forward to this issue that’s centered on Barbara Ann Minerva and her “Year One” origin as The Cheetah!–Bob
- I’m looking forward to this one too. Loved Bilquis Evely color work on Shaft: A Complicated Man, and as someone who is relatively new to WW (compared to the rest of the TC crew!), I’m curious to learn more about Minerva’s character. – Vivek
- There’s a new Wonder Woman issue this week, you say? There’s $3 easily spent. I’m unfamiliar with the Minerva’s origin, so I’m pumped to dive deeper into Wonder Woman lore. -Max
Supergirl #2 – Steve Orlando & Brian Ching
- Loved the first issue, so hoping for more of what made that so good (to me, the art and character development) here. – Vivek
- I’m not going to lie, I thought this series would be a little… adolescent for my taste. However, I ate crow after reading the previous issue. After meeting Mr. Orlando at NYCC, I’m excited to see if this issue holds up to his work on the previous one. -Max
James Bond Hammerhead #1 – Andy Diggle & Luca Casalanguida
- I’m a fan of the Bond films (especially the newer ones). However, I’ve never read James Bond literature in any format. Looking forward to reading about the storied spy in comic book format! -Max
Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #1 – Arvind Ethan David & Ilias Kyriazis
- With the tv series arriving anytime now, what better time to read this wacky Douglas Adams creation. – Lorna.
Duck Avenger #1 – Alessandro Siti & Jonathan Gray and Claudio Sciarrone
Insufferable: Home Field Advantage #1 – Mark Waid & Peter Krause
October Faction: Deadly Season #1 – Steve Niles & Damien Worm
Black Science #25 – Rick Remender & Matteo Scalera
Reborn #1 – Mark Millar & Greg Capullo
- You’d be hard-pressed to find two names on a comic with more prestige than Mark Millar and Greg Capullo. This partnership has been teased ever since Capullo ended his run with Scott Synder on Batman and I cannot wait to see what’s in store for this book. Millar’s writing can be hit-or-miss for me (as I suspect with a lot of people) but there’s enough curiosity surrounding this thing that I’ll need to at least check out the first issue. –John D.
Black Light District: 6 Issues – Jesse Blaze Snider and Various Artists
- I know nothing about this one-shot. The solicits promise a marriage of music and comics, as each story “set to the music of the geek culture” that inspires it. Sounds awesome. I’m in. Let’s do it. – Joey
Dead No More: THE CLONE CONSPIRACY #1 – Dan Slott & Jim Cheung
- I have trusted Dan Slott allot so far when it has come to his Spider-Man runs. When so many want to attack him during The Superior Spider-Man run I said give it a chance. I have high hopes for what kind of story Slott is going to tell here, but seeing as I lived through the mess that was the Clone Saga the first sign on this event going off the rails and I’m out – Greg B.
Darth Vader #25 (Final Issue) – Kieron Gillen & Salvador Larocca
- In my book, this series has had the most consistently strong writing and art since it first started. Add to that the way it nails Darth Vader’s character and the intriguing story lines, and you’ve got a book that will be very hard to replace. I can’t wait to see how Gillen and Larocca end this series. – Vivek
The Great Lakes Avengers #1 – Zac Gorman & Will Robson
Howard the Duck #11 (Final Issue) – Chip Zdarsky & Joe Quinones
- I’m very sad that this book will be ending, as Chip Zdarsky and Joe Quinones displayed a great flair in telling bizarre tales with Howard T. Duck. I’m sure that they’ll go out with a bang, but…Bob
Solo #1 – Gerry Duggan & Geoffrey Thorne and Paco Diaz
Powerman and Iron Fist #9 – David F. Walker & Flaviano
The Chimera Brigade #1 – Serge Lehman & Fabrice Colin and Gess
Peepland #1 – Christa Faust & Gary Phillips and Andrea Camerini
Rivers of London #1 – Ben Aaronovitch & Andrew Cartmel and Lee Sullivan
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!