Action LabComicsReviews

Tomboy #7 Review

Tomboy #7

Story and letters by Mia Goodwintomboy

Art and colours by Michelle Wong

Review by Lorna Maltman (

Where I live the local comic book shop shut down a year and a half ago, so if I want a physical copy, I have to order in from the stores in central London. This meant that I didn’t get this issue until the following Wednesday. However as they say good things come to those who wait.

After last month’s question raising issue, you would think we would get at least one answer. However, this issue instead gives you questions on top those questions, until you have a whole garbage heap of questions which you know will never fully be answered. Yet Goodwin makes this feel great instead of leaving the reader confused and angry. For instance, you will feel the need to know more about this supernatural world, that has been slowly unfurling itself in the comic; I mean there’s a scene in this issue, that looks like Batman Rebirth’s Calendar Man met Disney and thanks to Michelle Wong’s art it’s a sight to behold.

Wong again does a great job on the art and colours – she captures the tone of the scenes instantly. It’s testament to her work that the last couple pages could be, and in some parts are, done without words and you would grasp the meaning still.

Goodwin’s writing here is at the top of her game, she actually breathes fresh life into the police procedural, which has been done to death in all mediums. She teases out elements and questions that make you desperate for that next month to just come a bit quicker, or wish you owned a Tardis to skip a month.


BUY! Or catch up, do what you need to get on board this series as it truly is something special being crafted by Goodwin and Wong. I read this issue twice and couldn’t help but then instantly write this review because this is the kind of book that gets you excited to read comics again.



Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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