Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Brian Ching
Colorist: Michael Atiyeh
Reviewed by Deanna Chapman
Supergirl #1 follows Kara through “a day-in-the-life” essentially. In this iteration of the character, she’s still in high school. While she is from an alien world, she still acts like a typical teenager. In her attempts to fit in, she fumbles about since Krypton was far more advanced than little ol’ Earth. While dealing with the high school woes, she’s brought in to the DEO (Department of Extranormal Operations) to help protect National City. In this issue, we get a first hand look at how she balances being a “normal” teenager and saving the world (or in this case, how she hasn’t quite found that balance). At the end, we’re in for a surprise.
Steve Orlando does a great job with writing a story from the perspective of a teenage girl. Kara is impatient, enthusiastic, and possibly a bit naive. He brings across these various personalities well. He even adds a tinge of humor that brings the lightness we’re used to with a Supergirl story. Admittedly, my only exposure to the character is the TV show, which proves to be enjoyable. This comic may not start at the same point in her life, but there are some similarities. She’s starting out at the DEO and trying to get the hang of her powers. It’s crucial that this story doesn’t stray too far from what we’ve already seen of Supergirl.
For the most part, the art depicts the story well. At times, it feels odd that if characters are further away, the faces aren’t really filled out in detail. It feels like an odd choice, but ultimately doesn’t deter much from the story and what happens. The colors reflect the differences between Krypton scenes and Earth scenes well. When you’re going back and forth between panels, it makes it easier to tell which is which and puts a great emphasis on how different these two worlds are even just on the surface.
Overall, this story is a great start and this issue ends with Kara meeting a cyborg Superman at the Fortress of Solitude. The cyborg is only present in the final two pages, but the set up of Kara as a character was necessary even though it took most of the issue. We’re given all of the different sides of Kara. And let’s not forget that Cat Grant makes an appearance and is everything you expect her to be.
Verdict: Buy. This is a fun issue that is full of personality. While I’m not the biggest fan of the art, the story and colors make up for it. This issue gets you ready to learn more about how Kara will find that right balance and how she’ll likely have to mature quickly enough to handle the two. This is a monthly book, so it’s not as big of a commitment as some of the other books, so definitely add it to your list if you haven’t yet.