Every Wednesday, the Talking Comics collective will post a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. With the wide range of personal tastes on our staff here, you know there’s bound to be something worth sampling come New Comic Book Day!!!
Then, check back here on Sunday to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!!
This week’s contributors:
- Jesse Bowden (@JesseBowden)
- Huw Parry (@h_paz)
- Deanna Chapman (@deeechap)
- John Dubrawa (@thisjohnrd)
- Bob Reyer (
- Steve Seigh (@dead_anchoress)
- Max Mallet (@globetrottermax)
And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)
New Comic Book Day – August 17th, 2016
Insexts #7 – By Marguerite Bennett & Ariela Kristantina (end of first arc)
- This has been a fabulous series, with Marguerite Bennett layering a genuinely creepy “body horror” tale with romance and poignant social commentary, and Ariela Kristantina’s art perfectly captures all the nuances in Ms. Bennett’s story. Here’s a spoiler alert: you’ll be hearing about Insexts in my end-of-the-year “Best of…” selections!–Bob

Backstagers #1 – By James Tynion IV & Rian Sygh
- Backstagers is about a bunch of theatre nerds at an all-boys school. The tone seems reminiscent of Lumberjanes and with James Tynion IV on writing duty, it should be equally gay. I am so amped on this book! – Jesse
- Guys, this is literally theatre and comics. HOW CAN I SAY NO TO THIS? <- (Hamilton Reference) – Joey
Black Hammer #2 – By Jeff Lemire & Dean Ormston

- Oh wow! Is it time for another issue of this intriguing series already? You can read my review for the first issue here, and then follow that up by joining me for an enthusiastic fist pump at the thought of reading this next issue! – Steve
Brigg’s Land #1 – By Brian Wood & Mack Chater
- According to Dark Horse, Brigg’s Land is already making its way to TV-land with AMC. This is before the first issue hits the shelves. Before we all know if the book is going to be a critical success, failure or something in between. That’s a bold move, and if AMC is that confident, then I’m on board given the quality of TV shows it has in its rotation. The premise sounds politically pertinent, and catered towards a specific niche of the comic-reading community. I’m excited to explore this new series and to review this introductory issue. -Max

Batman #5 by Tom King & David Finch
- It pains me to say it, but unless this issue marks a big turnaround in form for me I’ll most likely be dropping it. With how consistently good Detective Comics has been and All-Star Batman #1 being a great read, the mainline book just doesn’t really sit well next to them for many reasons. – Huw
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1 – By Julie Benson & Claire Ro
- I wasn’t bowled over by the first issue, but I’m such a fan of the original Dixon & Simone runs that I’m keeping my fingers crossed, as I so want this to be great!–Bob
- My feelings about the Rebirth issue for this title echo Bob’s, it wasn’t bad but I wasn’t left feeling hungry for more. Hopefully that issue lifts some of the weight of exposition for the first issue proper and things will pick up – Huw
Nightwing #3 – Tim Seeley & Javier Fernandez

- Dick Grayson is one of my favorite characters of all time. It’s so great to have him back in the black and blue and to have Tim Seeley continue his run on the character. That said, I am really missing the supporting characters from Grayson. Dick’s relationship with Midnighter was a fantastic and rare depiction of gay/straight male friendship. Regardless this book has been a lot of fun and I will keep picking it up. – Jesse
- Nightwing has been one of the best DC Rebirth runs through its first three issues. It’s a very balanced book, with humor and emotional notes to spare and yet not beating readership over the head with either. I found the previous issue’s ending a bit predictable, but the pros heavily outweigh the cons and I’m excited to see where Seeley’s run goes next. -Max

Harley Quinn #2 – By Amanda Connor, Jimmy Palmiotti and Chad Hardin
- I definitely had a lot of fun with the first issue of this comic, and am looking forward to learning the specifics of Harley’s latest solo series. Hopefully, with the introductions of characters aside, Jimmy and Amanda can light a fire under this book and pour some gasoline on the flames while they’re at it! – Steve
- Connor and Palmiotti gave us a heaping reminder of the shenanigans and characters that enrich Coney Island in Harley Quinn #1… not to mention the joy of literally seeing how the sausage gets made! Given that character introductions and backstory should be largely out of the way, I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of trouble our lovable anti-hero protagonist can find in Brooklyn. -Max
Suicide Squad #1 – By Rob Williams & Jim Lee

- Does anyone else find these double #1 Rebirth issues a tad confusing? Anyway, I’m willing to give Suicide Squad another go after last week’s rocky debut. I’ve yet to be enthusiastic about any of the Suicide Squad runs I’ve read in the past, but I’m not willing to give up just yet. The tone and art of the last issue were right on the money for me, so maybe, just maybe this is the one! – Steve
- As someone that quite enjoyed both the Rebirth issue of Suicide Squad and the film, I’m looking forward to checking this “first” issue out. Hopefully the team will be a bit more assembled in this issue and we can get an idea of where this series might be going. I’m also a huge fan of Jim Lee’s artwork so seeing it put to an entire book should be worth that $2.99 alone. -John D.

Supergirl REBIRTH – By Steve Orlando & Emanuela Lupacchino
- Yes, yes yes! How many times can I say it, I love Supergirl! Please, please, please let this series be awesome! Yo, straight up, this will be the first book I read this new comic book day! – Steve
- I’ve been picking up the majority of the Rebirth one-shots so far, and there have been very few I haven’t enjoyed. After watching the TV show, I’m a lot more interested in Supergirl as a character. I hope this will be yet another series I’ll find myself enjoying. – Deanna
- Steve Orlando is a bold and unexpected choice for Supergirl Rebirth. His Midnighter run was crude, sexy and badass, none of which I would associate with DC’s newest, wholesome heroine. I think this book is going to be full of surprises and I can’t wait to check it out. – Jesse
- Like Deanna, I’ve tried to reach the majority of Rebirth one-shots. Unlike most of the reviewers (and maybe most of you) this issue will provide me with my first exposure to Supergirl in any form of media. What a time to be alive! Very excited to read and learn about a DC heroine with rising stock. -Max
Superman #5 – By Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason & Doug Mahnke
- This one makes the short list of my favorite DC Rebirth runs to date. It’s a fun, touching take on the Man of Steel. Tomasi and Gleason’s writing has provided many fantastic emotive moments, deeply humanizing everyone’s favorite Kryptonian. The artwork has been superb and consistent throughout. This will be my first read of the week. -Max
Superf**kers FOREVER #1 – By James Kochalka

- OH MY! For real though, Superf*ckers has been a comic and a TV show and a bunch of other incarnations, but it’s always been super hilarious. Kudos to IDW and their creator initiative to bring back this crazy property! Check it! – Joey
Demonic #1 – By Chris Sebela & Niko Walter
- As soon as I read the description for this, I wanted to dive in. If there’s any non-superhero story that revolves around crime of some sort, I’m more than likely willing to give it a shot. The crime/horror genres are ones I look forward to in general, not just in comics. I hope this is as good as I’m thinking it will be. – Deanna

I Hate Fairyland #8 – By Skottie Young
- Seriously, what are you waiting for? You should be reading this book! It’s an absolute riot and the perfect book to take your mind off all that hero vs. hero malarky. – Steve
Spawn Kills Everyone (One-Shot) – By Todd McFarlane and J.J. Kirby
- Just look at this cover. I’m hooked. Aesthetically and in initial description, Image seems to be pitching their equivalent of Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. I can’t wait to see how this pans out because I have no idea what to expect. We should all be anticipating the legendary Todd McFarlane’s return to the anti-hero that he spawned (I’m not sorry). After all, this is a man that has worked on Batman, Spider-Man and Daredevil among others. I can’t wait to find out ‘what,’ ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind this vague storyline. -Max
The Wicked + The Divine #22 – By Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie & Matt Wilson
- “RISING ACTION” is over already! How can this arc be ending!?!?!??! SO MANY THINGS ARE HAPPENING. This will literally be the first book I read today. Guaranteed. – Joey
All-New Wolverine #11 – By Tom Taylor & Ig Guara

- This book is one of the very best coming out of Marvel these days, hands down! I’m anxious to see in what capacity Laura, Wolverine, and Gabby are going to get involved in all of the Civil War II shenanigans that are going down, right now – if at all. Either way, I’m sure it will be action packed and hilarious. – Steve
- Tom Taylor has perfectly balanced humor, heart, and badass action. Through his writing, Laura has quickly become an A-list character and every issue has proven that she is worthy of the title All-New Wolverine. More please! – Jesse
Black Widow #6 – Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, & Matt Wilson

- I love seeing comic creators take full advantage of the medium. Black Widow has been very light on dialog but it has only enhanced the “reading” experience. Its obvious that Mark Waid has complete trust in Chris Samnee’s visual story-telling ability. The addition of Matt Wilson’s colors have given this book a cinematic quality that I enjoy every single month. – Jesse
Mighty Thor #10 – Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman & Matt Wilson
- When I am not quietly weeping, I am literally yelling “YASS QUEEN!!” This is what superhero stories are all about; love, sacrifice and hope. I am not sure if we be worthy of Jason Aaron’s Goddess of Thunder epic but I’ve loved every single issue – Jesse
- I’m with Jesse, in that seeing Jane Foster as the Goddess of Thunder has absolutely captured both my imagination and heart.–Bob
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!