Every Wednesday, the Talking Comics collective will post a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. With the wide range of personal tastes on our staff here, you know there’s bound to be something worth sampling come New Comic Book Day!!!
Then, check back here on Sunday to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!!
This week’s contributors:
- Huw Parry (@H_paz)
- Kelsey Hlavaty (@kelssamus)
- John Dubrawa (@thisjohnrd)
- Bob Reyer (
And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)
New Comic Book Day – July 6th, 2016
Batman ‘66 Meets Steed & Mrs. Peel #1 – By Ian Edgington & Matthew Dow Smith

- I’ve tried to avoid looking at any previews of this series, and not peeked ahead at the digital-first “issues” either, as I want to come to this as naive to its expected charms as possible. Ian Edginton did a fabulous job on the last Steed & Mrs. Peel mini from Boom, capturing both the quirkiness of the original TV programme and the delicate chemistry between Diana Rigg and Patrick Macnee that shone through the cathode ray tube half-a-century ago, so I’m much looking forward to this new venture…and that Michael & Laura Allred cover is to die for!–Bob

Batman #2 – By Tom King & David Finch
- I felt that the first issue was a solid enough scene-setter for this new Batman run, that being said it didn’t blow me away but I’m more than happy to give this book some time as no doubt Tom King will find his feet and tell some great stories. It’ll definitely be interesting to see what lies ahead given what we were introduced to at the end of issue #1. Are they friend or are they foe, can Batman handle them either way? I’m hoping for answers to questions after the foundation was put in place, so fingers crossed! – Huw
- I feel similarly. I can agree that the first is was good… but was it great? I really want to give King a chance to prove himself after Scott Snyder’s run, however if it doesn’t pull me this next issue I will just wait for All-Star Batman. I already several “Batfam” comics to read anyways. – Kelsey
Flintstones #1 – By Mark Russell & Steve Pugh

- I really enjoyed the Scooby Apocalypse, so I’m excited to read this one. I am interested to see Mark Russell’s take on the world’s first modern family. I’ve seen some panels from the book and it looks like there will be lots more “modern jokes” (Shellphone, anyone?). As well, I love Pugh’s art! Such a fresh look! – Kelsey

Justice League Rebirth #1 – Bryan Hitch & Tony S. Daniel
- I’m a little tentative about this book as Hitch’s writing is rather hit-and-miss for me. His run on JLA before Rebirth had some really cool moments but also left me cold at times so I’m hoping he finds some consistency as this is an important title and needs to be solid all the time. No doubt the art will be fantastic with Tony S. Daniel on board. – Huw
- Not being entirely familiar with the work of Bryan Hitch, I’m curious to pick this one up and see if it grabs me in any significant way. Justice League was a cornerstone title of the DC New 52, so I would love for this book to hook me the way Johns’ previous run on the title did. The art is a huge draw for me this time around as Tony Daniel does some amazing work, though hopefully he’ll stick around longer than an arc. -John D.
Throwaways #1 – By Caitlin Kittredge & Steven Sanders

- The solicits for Throwaways read like a combination of intensely gritty psychodrama meets sci-fi/thriller conspiracy suspense. With Caitlin Kittredge’s fantasy/noir writing chops and Sanders’ distinctly sharp artwork, Throwaways just might be a runaway hit this week. Check it! – Joey

Paper Girls #7 – By Brian K. Vaughan & Cliff Chiang
- Paper Girls is always on my radar when a new issue comes out, but this one has jumped even higher on my anticipated list for this week after series writer and weiner dog enthusiast Brian K. Vaughan tweeted that this was his “favorite issues of anything ever.” That’s high praise coming from someone like Vaughan. While it could just be marketing at work, it still has me wondering what could be in this issue that makes it even better than anything else that has come before it. I’m a little behind on Paper Girls at the moment but you better bet whatever it is people bet with that I’ll be catching up pronto. -John D.
Silver Surfer #5 – By Dan Slott & the Allreds

- What else to say except that the Silver Surfer is probably my favorite Marvel book on the stands! Sadly, this series is not selling up to its quality, what with all the Secret & Civil Wars shenanigans, so if any of my booster-ing of this piqued your interest, give this one a try! (Oh, and pick up the last couple of issues, too–you won’t regret it in the least!–Bob
- What’s this? A Marvel book that isn’t tied to Civil War II? And it’s an oversized issue that’s being sold at its regular price? What’s going on here? Silver Surfer has been great since the start (in the original Marvel NOW!) but it’s one of those books that has continued to get better and better month after month. Bob championing this one should be enough for all of you out there but if it’s not, then this one is supposed to have Spider-Man in it! You like that guy right? Pick this one up then! -John D.

Kim & Kim #1 (Black Mask Studios) – By Magdalena Visaggio & Eva Cabrera
- Alright, Black Mask Studios, you’ve got me. After hitting us with not one but TWO dazzling new comic series in the last month (4 Kids Walk Into a Bank and Jade Street Protection Services), I’m totally willing to give Kim & Kim a shot. Last week’s mini-preview in the back of Jade Street didn’t hurt matters either, with some dynamic punk visuals from Eva Cabrera and two stellar titular characters. I’m in. Let’s do it. – Joey
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!