Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 08/07/13/
Hello and welcome to the revised edition of Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! It used to be that every week our Executive Editor Steve Seigh would showcase his favorite comic book covers of the week and then you could all go about your day. Well no more! From this point forward Steve won’t be the only one displaying the covers that caught his fancy. As of today, and for the foreseeable future, you’ll be viewing selections not only from Steve, but from other site staff and fans alike!
If you’d like to contribute to this column all you need to do is send Steve an email at SteveSeigh@TalkingComicBooks.com, telling him the title of the issue with the cover that you dig, as well as a brief description of why you’re grooving on that particular cover. We’ll try to include as many selections as possible and hope that you enjoy seeing your choices displayed for all of the internet to see.
So without further or due let’s get this week’s selections highlighted!
– Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week –
Trillium #1
Undoubtedly another masterpiece by writer/artist Jeff Lemire
“It might sound harsh, but I adore the sort of “ugly” beauty of Jeff Lemire’s art style. For me, this cover unequivocally reflects that the Lemire has moved on to the next level of his abilities as a creator an artist. This cover feels alive. The smeared, rich colors really pop off the page and give the cover Trillium #1 an otherworldly look that lets readers know that they’re in for something special.” – Steve Seigh
“I’ve always loved Jeff Lemire’s emotive and simplistic art style, but with Trillium he seems to have taken things to the next level. The images here are epic, the colors vibrant and it carries with it that singular quality that only Jeff Lemire can bring to the table.” – Bobby Shortle
Sheltered #2
Story By: Ed Brisson
Art By: Johnnie Christmas
“Okay yeah, so this cover might be considered a little bit more than morbid given the events of the series debut issue, but hell if I don’t love it anyway. I always love the Halloween-like combination of combining the colors black, white, orange, and red. The arrangement of these colors give this cover a super creepy vibe and even if I wasn’t already reading Sheltered I would have picked this up to at least comb through its interior pages.” – Steve Seigh
“Sheltered #2 seems to be taking a cue from X-Men Legacy’s “lets do something awesome with hair” school of thought and that’s a smart play. This cover is evocative, powerful and gorgeous.” – Bobby Shortle
Ten Grand #4
Story By: J. Michael Straczynski
Art By: Ben Templesmith
“This cover is so deliriously and deliciously evil that it makes my occasional black heart sing. I really dig the torment and distress happening on this cover. Is that wrong? I hope so.” – Steve Seigh
Satellite Sam #2
Story By: Matt Fraction
Art By: Howard Chaykin
“I dig the sexy and sensual nature of this cover. I’m also liking the almost Xerox photocopy effect it appears to have.” – Steve Seigh
Fairest #18
Written by: Sean E. Williams
Art by: Stephen Sadowski and Phil Jimenez
Cover by: Adam Hughes
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen something looking this evil and also so happy at the same time. This cover brings a crooked smile to my face.” – Steve Seigh
– Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week –
Art by: Freddie E Williams II
Cover by: Amanda Conner

Art by Neil Edwards and Jay Leisten
Colors by Matt Milla
Cover by David Yardin

*Remember, if you would like to participate in this column, send your cover selections (please, only one cover per week) to SteveSeigh@TalkingComicBooks.com. Be sure to have your selections in by midnight of the Monday that corresponds with that week’s releases. Also, please try to keep your selections to books that are being released that week ONLY. Thanks so much and we look forward to sharing your thoughts with all who stop by the Talking Comics website. Cheers! – Steve
This list was compiled by Steve Seigh – Executive Editor of Talking Comics. You can hear Steve on the Talking Comics weekly podcast as well as find him on Joblo.com where he writes a featured, bi-weekly column called Ink & Pixel. His Twitter handle is @dead_anchoress.