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First Batch of Villains Month Covers Released

With the announcement of Forever Evil and Villains Month earlier today, it was inevitable that we’d start to see some covers and details regarding the event. Well the first batch of covers have been announced, in all their (well most of them at least) 3D motion cover glory. Here’s a look:


Superman #1 will become Bizzaro #1


Green Arrow will become Count Vertigo #1cyborg_superman

Action Comics will become Cyborg Superman #1


Justice League Dark will become The Creeper #1


Justice League will become Darkseid #1


Justice League of America will become Deadshot #1


Earth 2 will become Desaad #1


The Flash will become Grodd #1


Swamp Thing will become Arcane #1 relic

Green Lantern will become Relic #1

twofaceBatman and…will become Two Face #1


The Dark Knight will become Ventriloquist #1.

As the week goes on, we’ll no doubt see more covers from Villains Month released, as well as solicitations for who will be writing these stand-alone issues.

What are some of your favorite covers from this bunch? Any stand out to you more than others? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


The resident news guy of Talking Comics. When he's not posting the news, Travis can be found at your local comedy club doing stand-up, ranting on his Twitter @TravisMcCollum or posting video game videos on his YouTube channel xTJMac510x.

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