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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week: 02/13/13

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week: 02/13/13

A weekly column by Steve Seigh

Welcome to Talking Comics‘ Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! What we have here is all pretty self explanatory. Each week I’m going to reflect on the cover art of some of my favorite new comics and tell you which ones I really dig. But please, remember that this is simply the opinion of one core member of Talking Comics, and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the remainder of our hard working staff.

Simple. Clean. Artsy. Enjoy!

Batman #17

Story by Scott Snyder
Art by Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion
Colors by FCO Plascencia
Letters by Richard Starkings & Jimmy Betancourt
Cover by Greg Capullo, FCO Plascencia, Toney Daniel, Matt Banning, & Tomeu Morey

Was there ever any doubt that this cover would get top billing this week? Just look at it. Not only is it creepy as hell but it represents the end to a truly fantastic arc added to a long history of top notch Batman related stories. It was a hell of of a finale and this is a hell of a cover to match.

Change #3

Story by Ales Kot
Art by Morgan Jeske
Colors by Sloane Leong
Letters by Ed Brisson
Cover by Morgan Jeske

As much as I love epic comic book covers I also enjoy when a cover is beautiful in its simplicity. Such is the case with this cover for Change #3. It’s easy on the eyes and leaves you with a sense of mystery and leaves you feeling violated by this woman’s gaze. I like it. I like it a lot.

Uncanny X-Men #1

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Chris Bachalo
Cover by Chris Bachalo, Joe Quesada, Skottie Young, & Gabrielle Del’Otto

The reason I chose this cover is very simple. Chris Buchalo will always win. The end.

Ultimate Comics X-Men #22

Story by Brian Wood & Nathan Edmondson
Art by Carlo Barberi & Juan Vlasco
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Cover by Dave Johnson


I dig this cover. There’s something very ominous and enchanting about it, I think. It sort of reminds me of that lone plant from Pixar’s Wall-E. You know the one.

Batman and Robin #17

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art and Cover by Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray

Yeah, buddy! Tell me that Bats and Damian don’t look like superior badasses on this cover. For real. This cover screams “Come get some!” It leaves me amped for some more Bat-related action and begs for me to open the book and find out where this amazing series is going to take us after the Death and the Family arc has drawn to a close.

*Editor’s Note – you will notice that the descriptions for each cover are very brief this week. My apologies for that but this week I happen to be on vacation and very pressed for time. Next week will the column shall return to its glorious, overly descriptive self. See you then!




Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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