Best of 2012Comics

Tali Adina’s Top 12 Comic Book Covers of 2012

By Talisha Harrison aka Tali Adina

Happy New Year folks! As we begin 2013 let us look back at 2012 and my picks for the best comic book covers of the year of the fabled Mayan Apocalypse. There are so many amazing covers, I picked my favorite covers from the comics that I’ve been reading in 2012. So let’s count them down:

12. Batwing #10 by Marcus To

I like this cover because Batwing may be surrounded by goons, but  he’s ready to kick some ass.

11. Batman #6 by Greg Capullo & FCO

This cover shows the Court of Owls and Batman heading into a full on collision in the fight for the heart and soul of Gotham City. And it’s just a cool twisted cover by Capullo.

10. Animal Man #1 by Travel Foreman

A nice introduction visually to who Animal Man is and his connection to the Red.

9. Swamp Thing #8 by Yanick Paquette

This cover was our first visual portrait of what Swamp Thing looks like in this new series. I love how he’s just flinging the Rot infested human.  His outstretched hand is really cool as well.

8. All-Star Western #11 by MORITAT

Moritat’s art for All-Star Western is just amazing. My favorite part of this cover is Tahulah Black.

7. The Walking Dead #100 by Marc Silvestri

The Walking Dead series reached its 100th issue this past year and it came out with a bang with all the awesome variant covers that were released by different artists.  Silvestri’s was my favorite though.

6. The Punisher #12 by Marco Checchetto

This series was amazing from issue one and the cover art was just awesome, this was my favorite though. Looks like Frank just got done dealing out some Punishment.

5. Wonder Woman #12 by Cliff Chiang

Cliff Chiang has become one of my favorite artists and Wonder Woman is one of my favorite comic book characters. Put the two together and you get beautiful covers such as this one.

4. SAGA #4 by Fiona Staples

Fiona Staples does a wonderful job on this series. I love the colors and this cover features two of my favorite characters The Will and the Lying Cat.

3. Batwoman #8 by Amy Reeder

Batwoman is another favorite character of mine and this breath taking cover by Amy Reeder is just awesome! It’s a visually realistic piece and it’s my favorite cover so far from the series.

2. Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #3 by Amanda Conner & Mike Allred

Amanda Conner just takes it up a notch with her art in this series and this cover is just psychedelic and beautiful.

1. Uncanny X-Force #33 by Phil Noto

Nightcrawler is my favorite X-men and comic book character of all time, and though the 616 version that I love is dead and gone for now, his alternate self alive and well kicking ass and taking names in this cover.

And there you have it folks! 2013 will have even more awesome covers to look forward to.

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