Issue #25: Marvel Universe and Avengers Vs. X-Men #1
Welcome back to another issue of the Talking Comics podcast. The weekend was spent at a couple of conventions across the US with Bobby, Steve and Bob at I-CON and Stephanie in the west at Emerald City Comic Con. Everyone shares their adventures and then of course the comics talk begins. Bobby talks about Avenging Spider-Man #5, Steve gushes about Morning Glories #17 and Bob’s BOTW is Captain America and Bucky #628 . Last week, we tried to prepare you for the first big comic book event of year, which is of course Avengers vs. X-Men and Stephanie discusses Issue #0 while the rest of the gang discuss Issue #1.
Bobby, Bob and Steve then take the time to discuss Marvel’s new programming on Disney XD, which includes Ultimate Spider-Man and The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Things get a bit heated but after all is said and done, the guy’s hug it out and prepare to duke it out again on next week’s show.
The Comic Book Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics (, a blog dedicated to covering the latest and greatest in comic book releases. The editorial staff is composed of Editor-in-Chief Bobby Shortle (Fanboy Remix, Doctor Whocast), Stephanie Cooke (’s Digital Dorm) and Steve Seigh ( contributor) who weekly dissect the releases and give you, the consumer, a simple Roman yay or nay regarding them. Our Twitter handle is @TalkingComics and you can email us at Until next issue … to be continued!