ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Review: Resurrection Man #3

Resurrection Man #3

Title: One Side or the Other

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning

Art by Fernando Dagnino

Colors by Santi Arcas

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

There is no question about whether or not Resurrection Man #3 was my favorite issue this week, the query simply does not exist. Keeping pace with the action-packed events of the last issue this installment of Resurrection Man does nothing but turn our current situation up to eleven. Without getting into spoiler territory – this issue serves up a mysterious “other-world”, shady deities, hot babes with guns with a few tricks up their sleeves, death, and lots of bone crunching ass kickery! Not enough for you? It should be.

The art of Andy Lanning truly shines in this issue. I literally stared at two pages in particular for what felt like a good 5 minutes straight. The line work, coloring, and detail of the action in this issue really delivers a solid punch to your eyes. I’m really very pleased that Dan Abnett appears to have such a solid grasp on the character of Resurrection Man and is using the heroes ability to regenerate with new powers constantly. Seriously, this guy dies about every few pages and instead of using the new abilities as a crutch to further the story, the story seems to work around the powers. Does that make sense? I hope so, because if you don’t give this book a read you are going to totally miss out on some of the coolest “undead” action happening in The New 52.


Resurrection Man has the ability to come back to life after he dies, complete with a new set of abilities and purpose. Pick up the first two issues to get the full scope of what is happening up to this point in the story.


Buy it! Without a doubt one of my favorite books of The New 52, Resurrection Man delivers with blood, mystery, and a cast of characters that only seem to be getting more interesting by the page.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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